Washington, D.C., May 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Intersections of Our Lives released new polling data that demonstrates how the views of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Black, and Latina/x women voters on critical issues often align. The poll found that Reproductive Justice issues – such as securing good-paying jobs, accessing affordable healthcare including abortion and birth control, improving maternal health outcomes, lowering the cost of housing, and addressing rising costs and prices – are top of mind for these voters who could decide elections. Intersections of Our Lives is a collaborative of three Reproductive Justice organizations – National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice (Latina Institute), National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), and In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda (In Our Own Voice).
Conducted by Lake Research Partners and HIT Strategies, the poll clearly showed that women of color are high potential voters whose voting choices are driven by how policies impact their lives, a need for change, and their values. Women of color want to hear and see their experiences and issues addressed by policymakers. Overwhelmingly, they feel that policymakers and politicians are not prioritizing the issues that impact their daily lives. Notably, half of women of color see voting as extremely effective in creating the change they want, underscoring that the experiences and priorities of women of color are not showing up in political or policy discussions.
Many issues factor into how women of color will vote in this year’s elections for President, Senate, Congress, and other offices; while there are some unique differences for AAPI, Black, and Latina/x women, rising costs and prices top their lists followed by women’s rights. When combined with abortion, women’s rights are tied with rising costs and prices as a top voting issue. Other Key Findings:
- Voting is seen as extremely important to create the change women of color want to see in the country by 65% of Black women, 64% of Latina/x women, and 62% of AAPI women. Nearly nine in ten women of color say voting is extremely or very important.
- Voting is seen as an extremely effective action women of color can take to create the change they want to see in the country by 52% of AAPI women, 52% of Black women, and 51% of Latina/x women.
Rising Costs/Economy:
- Rising costs are one of the most important issues determining votes in the 2024 elections for 35% of Latina/x women, 33% of AAPI women, and 29% of Black women.
- Rising costs and concerns about the economy are priorities for women of color. These concerns encapsulate many other issues important to women of color, like ensuring access to affordable health care (including abortion and birth control), fair housing, the cost of living, and closing the pay gap.
Reproductive Justice/Abortion:
- 79% of Black women, 76% of AAPI women, and 75% of Latina/x women agree that it isn’t enough to make abortion legal, we must make sure people can access abortion care.
- A plurality of Black women (47%) Latina/x women (45%), and AAPI women (40%) say abortion will be an extremely important voting issue in the November elections (74% of Black women, 73% of Latina/x women, and 71% of AAPI women say it is important).
- A solid majority of women of color, especially Black women, believe it’s important for Congress to address the high rates of maternal death among women of color. 66% of Black women believe it’s extremely important (91% believe it’s important). 53% of AAPI women and 47% of Latina/x women believe it’s extremely important (79% of AAPI women and 74% of Latina/x women believe it’s important).
State of the Country:
- Women of color think things have gotten worse in the country over the past year (57% of Latina/x women, 55% of AAPI women, 49% of Black women).
- 93% of Black women, 84% of AAPI women, and 79% of Latina/x women agree with the statement that racism has gone on too long and that it’s time we have a leader who will create systems of racial justice that are long overdue.
“Make no mistake, Reproductive Justice is a key issue for women of color voters. We do not live single-issue lives and it will determine who we support this election season. Our vote is key to securing equity and justice for our families and generations to come. Issues that encompass bodily autonomy like access to affordable birth control, abortion services, and economic opportunity are top priorities for Black women and other women of color,” said In Our Own Voice President and CEO Regina Davis Moss.
“Our polling underscores that AAPI women voters, and our fellow women of color voters, are too powerful a force to be ignored during this year’s election season. We are motivated and we are passionate about the issues that most impact our lives. If our communities do not see the change we expect and deserve, we are prepared to fight for that change at the ballot box,” said NAPAWF Executive Director Sung Yeon Choimorrow.
“This poll makes it clear that women of color voters expect their elected officials to speak to Reproductive Justice issues that matter to them, like providing access to affordable healthcare (including abortion care and birth control) and lowering the costs of living and housing. By joining forces, we can focus the power of this influential voting bloc to affect change,” said Latina Institute Executive Director Lupe M. Rodríguez.
In addition to the issues of creating good paying jobs and ensuring everyone has access to affordable health care, which are important across all women of color surveyed, there are additional top-tier priorities that each community wants Congress to act on including, but not limited to, the following:
- For AAPI women: passing paid family and medical leave, ensuring medication abortion is available to all women, and creating more affordable housing options.
- For Black women: addressing high rates of maternal death among women of color, ending discrimination, reforming the criminal justice system, and creating more affordable housing options.
- For Latina/x women: passing gun violence prevention laws and ensuring that abortion is legal, affordable, and accessible.
- Note: Oversampling of AAPI, Black, and Latina/x women was conducted in Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Virginia.
ABOUT INTERSECTIONS OF OUR LIVES. Intersections of Our Lives (Intersections) is a collaboration of In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda (In Our Own Voice), the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice (Latina Institute), three women of color-led national Reproductive Justice organizations with both a federal and statewide presence. For more information about Intersections of Our Lives visit: IntersectionsofOurLives.org.
Intersections sponsored a survey conducted by Lake Research Partners and HIT Strategies on the experiences and priorities of women of color voters. The survey findings are from a national mixed-mode survey of 850 Asian American Pacific Islander women registered voters, 850 Black women registered voters, and 850 Latina/x women registered voters with ethnic and regional oversamples.