Dew Aesthetics Unveils Cutting-Edge MedSpa Treatments in Baltimore, Pioneering a Path to Timeless Beauty

BALTIMORE, Md., May 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dew Aesthetics, the premier destination for cutting-edge medical spa treatments, is proud to announce the launch of its innovative services, revolutionizing the landscape of aesthetic care in the heart of Baltimore. With a commitment to providing state-of-the-art treatments tailored to individual needs, Dew Aesthetics is setting a new standard in the pursuit of timeless beauty and wellness. Boasting a diverse range of services, from advanced skincare to rejuvenating treatment plans, Dew Aesthetics invites residents of Baltimore and beyond to discover the transformative power of their personalized approach to beauty enhancement.

At Dew Aesthetics, the mission is clear: “To provide exceptional treatments performed by professional, evidence-based practitioners. Dew Aesthetics is committed to providing natural results by incorporating full-face assessments and treatment plans for every client.” With a vision to redefine traditional notions of beauty and aging, Dew Aesthetics is committed to delivering unparalleled results that stand the test of time.

Dew Aesthetics, one of the leading MedSpa in Baltimore, is thrilled to announce the expansion of its renown aesthetic services, catering to the diverse needs of patients seeking a personalized approach to beauty and wellness. Nestled in the vibrant city of Baltimore, Dew Aesthetics stands as a beacon of holistic beauty, offering a welcoming space where individuals can embark on a transformative journey to unlocking their greatest self-confidence.

From advanced skincare solutions to facial balancing with injectables, Dew Aesthetics offers a comprehensive range of services designed to address a myriad of concerns and goals. Whether patients seek to restore youthfulness to their face, brighten their complexion, or simply indulge in a moment of self-care, Dew Aesthetics provides the expertise and personalized attention needed to exceed expectations.

“I started Dew in November, 2023, because I wanted to help people feel like the best versions of themselves," says Chandler Fogarty, founder and lead injector at Dew Aesthetics. “I love building lasting relationships with my patients and treating them holistically. I also wanted to create an aesthetic experience that was vibrant, approachable, and inclusive. It’s imperative to me that my patients feel cared for. At Dew Aesthetics, we’re not just in the business of transforming faces; we’re in the business of transforming people’s confidence, which in turn, elevates their lives.”

With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to patient satisfaction, Dew Aesthetics invites residents of Baltimore and the surrounding areas to experience the future of aesthetic care. Discover the Dew difference and unlock the secret to timeless, natural beauty today!

Signature services include:

Neuromodulators (Dysport, Xeomin) – To soften or prevent fine lines.
Dermal fillers – To replace or add volume and support structures in the face.
Chemical peels – To erase dark spots, improve skin texture, combat acne, and reduce fine lines and acne scarring.
Microneedling – To induce collagen production, which help with loose skin, fine lines, and acne scarring with minimal downtime.
Facials – To create and maintain healthy, glowing skin

For more information about Dew Aesthetics and its range of services, visit or schedule an appointment on their contact form.

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