MINNEAPOLIS, June 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Twin Cities Chapter (www.niri-twincities.org) of the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) today announced the election of its officers and directors for the 2024-2025 program year, which begins July 1, 2024. A complete list of the new NIRI Twin Cities Chapter officers and board members is presented below:
- Co-President – Bernadette McCormick, Sr. Vice President Western Region, Alliance Advisors
- Co-President – Sam Gibbons, Managing Director, Alpha IR
- VP, Advocacy Ambassador – Brandon Elliott, FTI Consulting
- VP, Marketing Chair – Peggy James, Sr. Investor Relations Specialist, Polaris Inc.
- VP, Membership Chair – Bernadette McCormick, Sr. Vice President Western Region, Alliance Advisors
- VP, Programs Co-Chair – Justin Horstman, Vice President Investor Relations, Bridgewater Bancshares, Inc.
- VP, Programs Co-Chair – Jeff Huebschen, Vice President Investor Relations & Corporate Communications, Apogee Enterprises, Inc.
- VP, Special Events – Lori Lauber, Senior Director, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
- VP, Sponsorship Co-Chair – Sam Gibbons, Managing Director, Alpha IR
- VP, Sponsorship Co-Chair – Adam Fee, Vice President Investor Relations, API Group Corporation
- VP, Treasurer – Darin Norman, Investor Relations Consultant, Xcel Energy, Inc.
- At-Large Director – Mollie O’Brien, Vice President Investor Relations, Best Buy
- At-Large Director – Josh Klaetsch, Director Investor Relations, Centerspace Homes
- At-Large Director – Bill Seymour, Vice President, Investor Relations, Entegris, Inc.
“NIRI Twin Cities’ is proud of its exceptional slate of board members and their commitment to leadership in investor relations. We’re looking forward to welcoming several new board members and pleased that many of our existing chapter leaders will be returning to for another exciting year of programming,” said NIRI Twin Cities Co-President Bernadette McCormick. “Our board members serve many high-profile public companies in in Twin Cities and are committed to bringing Investor Relations practitioners together for professional development and networking opportunities. We are extremely grateful for the continued support of our chapter volunteers and sponsors who give their time and talents to make our chapter a success.”
About the NIRI Twin Cities Chapter
Founded in 1969, NIRI is the professional association of corporate officers and investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities analysts, and other financial community constituents. Today, the NIRI Twin Cities Chapter has about 50 members who collaborate to help advance the investor relations profession. Visit www.niri-twincities.org to learn more.
About the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI)
Founded in 1969, NIRI is the professional association of corporate officers and investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities analysts, and other financial community constituents. NIRI is the largest professional investor relations association in the world with more than 3,000 members representing over 1,600 publicly held companies and $12 trillion in market capitalization.
Contact: Sam Gibbons, Managing Director, Alpha IR, sam.gibbons@alpha-ir.com