- Novator leggur fram frjálst yfirtökutilboð í allt hlutafé félagsins
May 10, 2007 07:04 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Novator, félag Björgólfs Thors Björgólfssonar, hefur ákveðið að leggja fram frjálst yfirtökutilboð í allt hlutafé Actavis Group hf. í A-flokki. Félög tengd Novator eiga nú þegar sem nemur um 38,5%...
- Novator makes a voluntary takeover offer for the entire class A common shares of Actavis Group
May 10, 2007 07:04 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Novator, the investment firm led by Bjorgolfur Thor Bjorgolfsson, today announces that it will make a voluntary takeover offer for the entire class A common shares of Actavis Group hf. Parties...
- Viðskipti stöðvuð, frétt væntanleg.
May 10, 2007 06:19 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Viðskipti stöðvuð með hluti í Actavis Group. Frétt væntanleg. ...
- Matching Halted, News Pending
May 10, 2007 06:19 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Actavis Group hf. (International pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and sales of generic pharmaceuticals) symbol ACT, matching halted, news pending. ...
- Dagsetning viðskipta 9.5.2007
May 10, 2007 05:14 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Viðskipti fruminnherja Nafn innherja: Svend Andersson Tengsl við útgefanda: Framkvæmdastjóri sölusviðs í Vestur Evrópu+ Dagsetning viðskipta: 9.5.2007 Kaup eða sala: Kaup /...
- Date of transaction 9.5.2007
May 10, 2007 05:14 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Directors Dealings Name of insider: Svend Andersson Relations with the issuer: Executive Vice President of sales in Western Europe, Middle East and Asia Date of...
- Presentation of 1Q Results 2007
May 09, 2007 06:12 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Enclosed is a presentation of Actavis Group 1Q Results 2007. ...
- Kynning á 3 mánaða uppgjöri 2007
May 09, 2007 06:12 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Meðfylgjandi er kynning á 3 mánaða uppgjöri Actavis Group 2007....
- 3 mánaða uppgjör 2007
May 08, 2007 13:01 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Hagnaður 27 milljónir evra á fyrsta fjórðungi - Góður árangur í Þýskalandi og Bretlandi - Helstu atriði - fyrsti ársfjórðungur 2007 • Fyrsti ársfjórðungur er sá tekjuhæsti í sögu félagins...
- 1Q Results 2007
May 08, 2007 13:01 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Actavis reports net profit of EUR27 million in 1Q - Improved performance in Germany and UK drives underlying revenue growth of 8.3% - Reykjavik, Iceland 8 May 2007 - Actavis Group (OMX:...