Ändring av antalet aktier och röster i Aerocrine
March 31, 2014 02:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Med hänvisning till 4 kap. 9 § lagen (1991:980) om handel med finansiella instrument meddelas härmed att utnyttjande av teckningsoptioner i Aerocrine inneburit att antalet aktier och röster i bolaget...
NICE (UK) will support the use of Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) measurement in diagnosis and management of asthma.
March 21, 2014 12:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Solna (Sweden) – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) today announced that NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) has notified stakeholders that the final guidelines recommending...
NICE (UK) kommer rekommendera Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO)- mätning för diagnos och behandling av astma
March 21, 2014 12:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Solna, 21 mars, 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) meddelar idag att NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) kommer informera sina intressenter om att de i april...
Aerocrine: Uppdatering gällande försäkringsbolags kostnadsersättning för FeNO-tester i USA
March 19, 2014 11:45 ET | Aerocrine AB
SOLNA, Sverige, 19 mars, 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) meddelar att amerikanska sjukförsäkringsbolaget Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) börjar kostnadsersätta FeNO-tester för...
Aerocrine Provides Update on Insurance Coverage of FeNO test in US.
March 19, 2014 11:45 ET | Aerocrine AB
SOLNA, Sweden - 19 March, 2014 - Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) announces that Health Care Service Corporation will begin covering FeNO testing for asthma diagnosis and management effective...
Year-end report 2013
February 20, 2014 02:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Global sales demonstrate mixed results. US grows year over year and commercial approach being adjusted and refocused to optimize results. January – December 2013 · Global Net sales decreased by 7%...
Bokslutskommuniké 2013
February 20, 2014 02:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Globala nettoomsättningen visar skiftande resultat medan USA växer under 2013. Kommersiella strategin i USA justeras för framtida resultatoptimering. Januari – december 2013 · Nettoomsättningen...
Aerocrine ingår distributionsavtal med Healthcare 21 för Storbritannien och Irland
January 17, 2014 02:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Solna – 17 januari 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) meddelar idag att man har slutit ett exklusivt distributionsavtal med Healthcare 21, ett brittisk-irländskt bolag som arbetar med...
Aerocrine signs UK & Irish partnership deal with Healthcare 21.
January 17, 2014 02:00 ET | Aerocrine AB
Solna (Sweden) – January 17, 2014 – Aerocrine AB (OMX Nordic Exchange: AERO) today announces the signing of an exclusive agreement with UK & Irish medical device company Healthcare 21 Ltd for sales,...
Change in number of shares and votes in Aerocrine
January 02, 2014 05:03 ET | Aerocrine AB
With reference to Chapter 4 Section 9 in ”lagen (1991:980) om handel med finansiella instrument” it’s hereby announced that through the subscription by a new share issue in Aerocrine the number of...