Alliance Oil startar
Alliance Oil startar gasproduktion i Tomskregionen
February 13, 2013 05:32 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil Company Ltd har färdigställt infrastrukturen och påbörjat gasproduktion på Ust-Silginskiyfältet i Tomskregionen. Gasleveranser har inletts via den 43 kilometer långa pipeline, som...
Alliance Oil launche
Alliance Oil launches gas production in the Tomsk region
February 13, 2013 05:32 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil Company Ltd has completed infrastructure development and launched gas production at the Ust-Silginskiy field in the Tomsk region. The Company has started delivering gas via a...
Operativ uppdatering
Operativ uppdatering januari 2013
February 11, 2013 02:00 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil Companys genomsnittliga råoljeproduktion i januari 2013 uppgick till 51 982 fat per dag. Vid Khabarovskraffinaderiet raffinerades preliminärt 84 081 fat per dag under januari...
Operational update f
Operational update for January 2013
February 11, 2013 02:00 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil Company’s average oil production for January 2013 amounted to 51,982 bopd. Preliminary average refining volumes at the Khabarovsk refinery amounted to 84,081 bopd in January 2013. ...
Change in number of
Change in number of shares and votes in Alliance Oil
January 31, 2013 08:45 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
In accordance with previously announced information, Alliance Oil has completed an issue of a total of 5,000,000 preference shares. As a result of this new share issue, the number of shares and...
Ändring av antalet a
Ändring av antalet aktier och röster i Alliance Oil
January 31, 2013 08:45 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil har, enligt tidigare offentliggjord information, genomfört en emission av totalt 5 000 000 preferensaktier. Emissionen har resulterat i att antalet aktier och röster i...
CAPEX plans for 2013
CAPEX plans for 2013
January 29, 2013 05:49 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
For 2013, Alliance Oil Company plans to further reduce upstream capital expenditures to 250-290 MUSD[1] and focus on organic development of production assets in all regions, launching gas production...
Investeringsplaner 2
Investeringsplaner 2013
January 29, 2013 05:49 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil fortsätter att minska investeringarna inom upstreamsegmentet och planerar att under 2012 investera 250-290 MUSD[1] med fokus på organisk utbyggnad av produktionstillgångar i samtliga...
Alliance Oil complet
Alliance Oil completes the formation of JV with Repsol
January 28, 2013 02:05 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil and Repsol have completed the agreed transactions to form the joint venture company AR Oil and Gaz BV (AROG) in which Alliance Oil holds 51% and Repsol 49%. Alliance Oil Company...
Alliance Oil - bilda
Alliance Oil - bildande av joint venture med Repsol slutfört
January 28, 2013 02:05 ET | Alliance Oil Company Ltd
Alliance Oil och Repsol har slutfört avtalade transaktioner för att bilda joint venture bolaget AR Oil and Gas BV (AROG) som ägs till 51% av Alliance Oil och till 49% av Repsol. Alliance Oil...