Alvotech Meeting Investors and Presenting at the Jefferies 2024 London Healthcare Conference on November 19–20, 2024
October 25, 2024 08:00 ET | Alvotech
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Oct. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients...
Alvotech fundar með
Alvotech fundar með fjárfestum og heldur kynningu á heilbrigðisráðstefnu Jefferies í London 19.-20. nóvember 2024
October 25, 2024 08:00 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) fundar með erlendum fjárfestum á heilbrigðisráðstefnu fjárfestingabankans Jefferies, í London dagana 19.- 20. nóvember n.k. Stjórnendur Alvotech munu einnig flytja kynningu á...
Alvotech Meeting Inv
Alvotech Meeting Investors and Presenting at the Jefferies 2024 London Healthcare Conference on November 19–20, 2024
October 25, 2024 08:00 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients worldwide, announced today its participation in the Jefferies...
Alvotech and Teva Announce U.S. FDA Approval of Additional Presentation of SELARSDI™ (ustekinumab-aekn), Expanding its Label to Include Further Indications Approved for Reference Product, Stelara® (ustekinumab)
October 22, 2024 07:00 ET | Alvotech
Approval of SELARSDI 130 mg/26 mL in a single-dose vial for intravenous infusion expands label to include treatment of adults with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis The FDA previously approved...
Alvotech veitt aukið markaðsleyfi í Bandaríkjunum fyrir Selarsdi (ustekinumab-aekn), líftæknilyfjahliðstæðu við Stelara, til meðferðar sjúkdóma í meltingarvegi
October 22, 2024 07:00 ET | Alvotech
Aukið markaðsleyfi er veitt fyrir Selarsdi í Bandaríkjunum til meðferðar við Crohns- sjúkdómnum og sáraristilbólgu, sem eru þrálátir bólgusjúkdómar í meltingarvegiMatvæla- og lyfjaeftirlit...
Alvotech and Teva Announce U.S. FDA Approval of Additional Presentation of SELARSDI™ (ustekinumab-aekn), Expanding its Label to Include Further Indications Approved for Reference Product, Stelara® (ustekinumab)
October 22, 2024 07:00 ET | Alvotech
Approval of SELARSDI 130 mg/26 mL in a single-dose vial for intravenous infusion expands label to include treatment of adults with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitisThe FDA previously approved...
Evrópska lyfjastofnu
Evrópska lyfjastofnunin samþykkir að taka til afgreiðslu umsókn um markaðsleyfi fyrir AVT03, fyrirhugaða hliðstæðu við Prolia og Xgeva
October 10, 2024 05:01 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) tilkynnti í dag að Evrópska lyfjastofnunin (EMA) hafi samþykkt að taka til afgreiðslu umsókn um markaðsleyfi fyrir AVT03, fyrirhugaða líftæknilyfjahliðstæðu við Prolia og...
European Medicines A
European Medicines Agency Confirms Acceptance of Marketing Application for AVT03, a Proposed Biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva®
October 10, 2024 05:01 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients worldwide, announced today that the European Medicines Agency...
European Medicines Agency Confirms Acceptance of Marketing Application for AVT03, a Proposed Biosimilar to Prolia® and Xgeva®
October 10, 2024 05:00 ET | Alvotech
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients...
Alvotech Initiates C
Alvotech Initiates Confirmatory Patient Study for AVT16, a Proposed Biosimilar to Entyvio®
September 25, 2024 05:01 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech is one of two companies known to have initiated a global or multi-country confirmatory patient study for a biosimilar candidate to Entyvio®Sales of Entyvio (vedolizumab) were about $5.4...