Ascom Myco 3 smartphone gets certification from MEDITECH for the Expanse Point of Care EHR Solution
March 02, 2020 08:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom announced that EHR provider MEDITECH has certified the Ascom Myco 3 smartphone with its Expanse Point of Care solution. Nurses, therapists, aides, and other clinicians can now complete most...
Ascom Digistat Suite enables Dutch Slingeland Hospital to gain more patient insights
February 18, 2020 08:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Dutch Slingeland Hospital has opted for the software solution Ascom Digistat Suite to monitor patient data in one central location. With first implementations beginning of this year Ascom Digistat...
Ascom expands product portfolio with launch of new i63 VoWiFi handset for mobile workers
January 21, 2020 08:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
New enterprise-grade device lets organizations exploit their existing Wi-Fi networks for secure on-site communications, enhanced personal safety and seamless roaming. Ascom is to launch the Ascom...
The Ascom Enterprise Platform helps industrial sector to drive a digital revolution
November 19, 2019 08:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Digitalization in the industrial sector, known as Industry 4.0, is transforming how the sector operates. The Ascom Enterprise Platform is helping its industrial customers reap the productivity...
Ascom liefert Software-Lösung Digistat an italienisches Universitätsspital Campus Bio-Medico
July 11, 2019 01:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom erhält den Auftrag, die Ascom Healthcare Plattform und die Software Digistat für Intensivstationen, Operationssäle und Labore an das renommierte Universitätsspital Campus Bio-Medico in Rom zu...
Ascom deploys software solution Digistat for Italian Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital
July 11, 2019 01:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom wins a contract to deliver the Ascom Healthcare Platform and its software solution Digistat for ICUs, surgical rooms and labs in the renowned Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital in Rome. The...
Ascom gewinnt bedeutenden Enterprise-Auftrag für deutsches Kraftwerk
July 03, 2019 01:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom erhält einen Auftrag zur Erneuerung der Kommunikationsanlage und der Personenabsicherung eines der grössten Kraftwerke in Deutschland. Das Ordervolumen über 10 Jahre beläuft sich auf rund CHF...
Ascom wins large contract in Enterprise for power plant in Germany
July 03, 2019 01:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom wins a contract to modernize the communications installations and person security in one of the largest power plants in Germany. The contract over 10 years amounts to around CHF 1 million....
Ascom gewinnt grössten Auftrag für Ascom Myco 3 Smartphones
May 21, 2019 01:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom und Person Centred Software, der britische Spezialist für mobile Pflegeüberwachung, haben einen Vertrag mit einem Wert von rund CHF 3,5 Mio abgeschlossen, der hochmoderne Smartphones von Ascom...
Ascom wins its biggest Ascom Myco 3 smartphone order
May 21, 2019 01:00 ET
Ascom Holding AG
Ascom and British mobile care monitoring specialist Person Centred Software have signed joint contract with a value of about CHF 3.5 million that put state-of-the-art Ascom smartphones in the hands...