Kallelse till extra
Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Auriant Mining AB (publ)
October 10, 2023 10:27 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Aktieägarna i Auriant Mining AB (publ), 556659-4833, kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma tisdagen den 31 oktober 2023 klockan 14.00 på Mangolds kontor, Nybrogatan 55, 114 40 Stockholm....
Notice to attend the
Notice to attend the extraordinary general meeting in Auriant Mining AB (publ)
October 10, 2023 10:27 ET | Auriant Mining AB
The shareholders in Auriant Mining AB (publ), 556659-4833, are hereby given notice to attend an extraordinary general meeting on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 2.00 p.m. at Mangold's offices, Nybrogatan...
Auriant Mining AB pu
Auriant Mining AB publicerar sin delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari – 30 juni 2023
August 31, 2023 05:50 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Höjdpunkter under 6 månader 2023, Auriant GroupBelopp inom parentes avser samma period föregående år. Guldproduktion är i linje med produktionsplan – 319,5 kg / 10 273 oz (423,1 kg /13 605...
Auriant Mining AB (p
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) publishes Q2 2023 Interim Report (January - June)
August 31, 2023 05:50 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Highlights 6 months 2023, Auriant GroupAmounts in parentheses refer to the same period in the previous year. Gold production in line with the mine plan – 319.5 kg /10,273 oz (423.1 kg /13,605...
Auriant Mining AB (p
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) meddelar om uppsägning av uppdragsavtalet med Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB
August 30, 2023 16:00 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Bolaget har informerats av sin revisor, Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB (PwC), att revisionsbolaget av interna policyskäl önskar att avsluta sitt uppdrag som bolagets revisor. Bolagets valberedning...
Auriant Mining AB (p
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) announces termination of audit engagement with Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB
August 30, 2023 16:00 ET | Auriant Mining AB
The Company has been informed by its auditor, the accounting firm Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, that the firm wishes to terminate its engagement as the Company’s auditors, for internal policy...
Auriant Mining AB (p
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) publicerar verksamhetsuppdatering för 6 månader 2023
July 26, 2023 09:00 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Viktiga händelser: Under H1 2023 uppgick malmbaserade guldproduktion till 316,7 kg (10 181 oz), jämfört med 421,9 kg (13 566 oz) under H1 2022, en minskning med 25% eller 105,3 kg (3 385 oz);Alluvial...
Auriant Mining AB (p
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) publishes H1 2023 operational update
July 26, 2023 09:00 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Highlights: In H1 2023, hard rock gold production amounted to 316.7 kg (10,181 oz), compared to 421.9 kg (13,566 oz) in H1 2022, a decrease of 25%, or 105.3 kg (3,385 oz); Alluvial gold production...
Auriant Mining AB pu
Auriant Mining AB publicerar sin delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari – 31 mars 2023
May 31, 2023 03:05 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Höjdpunkter under 3 månader 2023, Auriant GroupBelopp inom parentes avser samma period föregående år. Guldproduktion är i linje med produktionsplan – 139 kg / 4 469 oz (217 kg /6 967...
Auriant Mining AB (p
Auriant Mining AB (publ.) publishes Q1 2023 Interim Report (January - March)
May 31, 2023 03:05 ET | Auriant Mining AB
Highlights 3 months 2023, Auriant GroupAmounts in parentheses refer to the same period in the previous year. Gold production in line with the mine plan - 139 kg /4,469 oz (217 kg /6,967 oz)Gold sales...