Baltic RE Group, AS
Baltic RE Group, AS announces the early redemption of the Bonds
November 29, 2018 05:21 ET | Baltic RE Group
Baltic RE Group, AS (the “Company”) hereby announces that the Company will make an early redemption of all outstanding bonds with ISIN LV0000802197 (the “Bonds”) in accordance with the terms and...
AS “Baltic RE Group”
AS “Baltic RE Group” vienojas par ilgtermiņa aizdevuma piešķiršanu 35.3 miljonu eiro apmērā ar AS “Luminor Bank”
November 22, 2018 05:49 ET | Baltic RE Group
2018. gada 22. novembrī AS “Baltic RE Group” (Sabiedrība) plāno parakstīt jaunu kredīta līgumu par summu līdz 35'300'000 EUR ar AS “Luminor Bank”, kura mērķis ir nekavējoties atmaksāt atlikušo...
Baltic RE Group, AS
Baltic RE Group, AS agreed on long term portfolio loan facility for Eur 35.3 million with Luminor Bank, AS
November 22, 2018 05:49 ET | Baltic RE Group
On 22 November 2018 Baltic RE Group, AS (the Company) is planning to sign a new loan agreement for an amount up to Eur 35’300’000,- with Luminor Bank AS, destined to the immediate repayment of the...
Baltic RE Group, AS
Baltic RE Group, AS pašu kapitāla palielināšana
October 04, 2018 10:46 ET | Baltic RE Group
2018. gada 4. oktobrī notika AS Baltic RE Group (turpmāk tekstā – Sabiedrība) ārkārtas akcionāru sapulce, kurā tika pieņemti lēmumi par Sabiedrības pašu kapitāla palielināšanu un par attiecīgajiem...
Baltic RE Group, AS
Baltic RE Group, AS increase of equity capital
October 04, 2018 10:46 ET | Baltic RE Group
On October 4, 2018 Baltic RE Group, AS (hereinafter – the Company) held an extraordinary stockholder’s meeting, where were made decisions about increasing Company’s equity capital and appropriate...
AS “Baltic RE Group”
AS “Baltic RE Group” nerevidētais starpperioda saīsinātais konsolidētais finanšu pārskats par 2018. gada pirmo pusgadu
August 31, 2018 10:26 ET | Baltic RE Group
2017. gada pirmajos 6 mēnešos “Baltic RE Group” Koncerns, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējo pārskata gada pirmajiem sešiem mēnešiem, apgrozījumu palielinājis par 16.8% Koncerna darbība pārskata periodā bija...
AS Baltic RE Group u
AS Baltic RE Group unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statement for 1 half year of 2018
August 31, 2018 10:26 ET | Baltic RE Group
In comparison to the previous financial year first 6 month, Baltic RE Group Concern in first 6 month period of financial year 2018 has increased its turnover for 16.8% Group’s operations during the...
AS Baltic RE Group r
AS Baltic RE Group revidētais gada pārskats un konsolidētais finanšu pārskats par 2017. gadu
April 30, 2018 05:24 ET | Baltic RE Group
2017. gadā “Baltic RE Group” Koncerns, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējo pārskata gadu, apgrozījumu palielinājis par 16% 2017. gadā “Baltic RE Group” Koncerns, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējo pārskata gadu,...
AS Baltic RE Group a
AS Baltic RE Group audited annual report and consolidated financial statement for year 2017
April 30, 2018 05:24 ET | Baltic RE Group
In comparison to the previous financial year, “Baltic RE Group AS” group in financial year 2017 has increased its turnover for 16% In comparison to the previous financial year, “Baltic RE Group AS”...
Izmaiņas finanšu kal
Izmaiņas finanšu kalendārā 2018. gadam
February 28, 2018 08:08 ET | Baltic RE Group
Kā tika ziņots 2017. gada 6. decembra paziņojumā, AS "Baltic RE Group", pabeidzot Grupas struktūras reorganizācijas un iekšējo racionalizācijas procesu, mainīja finanšu gadu meitas uzņēmumos, kas...