CashGuard AB: Kommuniké från extra stämma i CashGuard AB (publ)
June 10, 2008 10:41 ET
Cash Guard AB
CashGuard AB (publ) har idag hållit extra stämma på Täby Park Hotel.
Stämman beslutade att CashGuard AB ska fusioneras med PSI Group ASA.
Fusionen innebär att CashGuard AB upplöses utan...
CashGuard AB: Report from the extraordinary shareholders' meeting in
CashGuard AB (publ)
June 10, 2008 10:41 ET
Cash Guard AB
CashGuard AB (publ) held its extraordinary shareholders' meeting
today at Täby Park Hotel.
The meeting voted that CashGuard AB shall merge with PSI Group ASA.
The merger entails that...
CashGuard AB: Interim report January-March 2008
May 29, 2008 05:30 ET
Cash Guard AB
First quarter 2008
* Net sales amounted to MSEK 55.7 (101.7)
* Operating loss of MSEK 22.3 (profit: 3.4)
* The loss after taxes was MSEK 17.0 (profit: 2.9)
* Loss per share of SEK 0.17...
CashGuard AB: Delårsrapport januari-mars 2008
May 29, 2008 02:30 ET
Cash Guard AB
Första kvartalet 2008
* Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 55,7 (101,7) mkr
* Rörelseresultatet uppgick till -22,3
(3,4) mkr
* Resultat efter skatt uppgick till -17,0
(2,9) mkr
* Resultat...
CashGuard AB: Notice of extraordinary shareholders' meeting in
CashGuard AB (publ)
May 22, 2008 03:00 ET
Cash Guard AB
The shareholders of CashGuard AB (publ) are hereby summoned to an
extraordinary shareholders' meeting to be held Tuesday, June 10, at
15:00, at Täby Park Hotel, Kemistvägen 30, Täby.
Notice of...
CashGuard AB: Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i CashGuard AB (publ)
May 22, 2008 03:00 ET
Cash Guard AB
Aktieägarna i CashGuard AB (publ) kallas härmed till extra
bolagsstämma tisdagen den 10 juni 2008, klockan 15.00, på Täby Park
Hotel, Kemistvägen 30 i Täby.
Aktieägare som vill delta i den...
CashGuard AB: Fusionsplan har antagits av styrelserna i PSI och
May 05, 2008 02:30 ET
Cash Guard AB
Som tidigare offentliggjorts den 16 april i år har styrelserna i PSI
Group ASA och CashGuard AB (publ) ingått ett fusionsavtal mellan
bolagen. Styrelserna har nu antagit fusionsplanen, som styr...
CashGuard AB: Merger plan adopted by the Boards of Directors of PSI
and CashGuard
May 05, 2008 02:30 ET
Cash Guard AB
As previously announced, on 16 April earlier this year, the Boards of
Directors of PSI Group ASA and CashGuard AB (publ) have entered into
a merger agreement between the companies. The Boards of...
CashGuard AB: Kommuniké från Årsstämma i CashGuard AB (publ)
April 18, 2008 10:10 ET
Cash Guard AB
CashGuard AB (publ) har idag hållit ordinarie årsstämma på Täby Park
Resultat- och balansräkningarna för moderbolaget och koncernen för
räkenskapsåret 2007 fastställdes. ...
CashGuard AB: Report from the Annual General Meeting of CashGuard AB
April 18, 2008 10:09 ET
Cash Guard AB
CashGuard AB (publ) held its Annual General Meeting today at Täby
Park Hotel.
The Meeting adopted the income statements and balance sheets of the
Parent Company and the Group for the ...