Corbion's upgraded, Europe-based Meat Lab supports innovation, growth for the company and its customers
May 11, 2023 03:00 ET | Corbion
Expanded, upgraded lab facility will help meet growing demand for the technical, R&D, and product development support needed to capitalize on emerging market opportunities. Global ingredient...
Corbion: Interim Management Statement Q1 2023
April 26, 2023 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion, het in Amsterdam genoteerde duurzame ingrediëntenbedrijf dat middels de toepassing van wetenschap streeft naar behoud van alles wat belangrijk is, publiceert vandaag zijn resultaten over het...
Corbion: Q1 2023 Interim Management Statement
April 26, 2023 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion, the Amsterdam-listed sustainable ingredients company that champions preservation through the application of science, today publishes its results for the quarter ending 31 March 2023. Key...
Corbion publiceert agenda voor AvA
April 05, 2023 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion heeft de agenda gepubliceerd voor de aanstaande jaarlijkse Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders (AvA), die op 17 mei 2023 wordt gehouden. De integrale AvA-agenda, inclusief toelichting bij...
Corbion published agenda for AGM
April 05, 2023 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion has published its agenda for the upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on 17 May 2023. The full AGM agenda together with explanatory notes is available on...
Corbion: Resultaten boekjaar 2022
March 03, 2023 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion, de aan Euronext Amsterdam genoteerde onderneming die conservering bevordert via de toepassing van wetenschap, publiceert vandaag haar resultaten over het jaar dat eindigde op 31 december...
Corbion: Full Year 2022 Results
March 03, 2023 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion, the Amsterdam-listed company that champions preservation through the application of science, today publishes its annual results for the year ending 31 December 2022. 2022 Key highlights...
Corbion benoemt Jennifer Lindsey tot Chief Marketing and Digital Officer
December 13, 2022 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion maakt benoeming bekend van Jennifer Lindsey als Chief Marketing and Digital Officer en lid van het Executive Committee. Met de creatie van deze nieuwe rol in het Executive Committee zal...
Corbion appoints Jennifer Lindsey as Chief Marketing and Digital Officer
December 13, 2022 01:00 ET | Corbion
Corbion announces the appointment of Jennifer Lindsey as Chief Marketing and Digital Officer and member of the Executive Committee. With the creation of this new Executive Committee role, Corbion...
Corbion Strategy Update of ‘Advance 2025’
December 01, 2022 01:00 ET | Corbion
During its Capital Markets Day for analysts and investors in Amsterdam today, Corbionmanagement will present an update of the ‘Advance 2025’ strategy progress and introduce updated targets for the...