1kvartalsregnskab 2010 for Eik Banki P/F
May 20, 2010 05:05 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Hermed fremsendes 1kvartalsregnskab 2010 for Eik Banki P/F samt pressemeddelelse og et sammendrag af årsregnskabet på færøsk. Med venlig hilsen Marner Jacobsen Finn Danberg Adm. direktør ...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
May 19, 2010 10:35 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 21 May 2010 Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated 3 year floating-rate bonds. The issue will have a nominal value of DKK 1,000,000,000 and has been acquired in...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
May 19, 2010 10:35 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 21 May 2010 Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated 3 year floating-rate bonds. The issue will have a nominal value of DKK 1,000,000,000 and has been acquired in...
Eik Banki P/F udsteder variabelt-forrentede obligationer
May 19, 2010 10:35 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki udsteder den 21. maj 2010 ny seniorkapital i form af DKK-denominerede variabelt-forrentede obligationer med tre års løbetid. Udstedelsen udgør nominelt DKK og er på forhånd...
Jacob Leth Resigns from the Board of Directors
May 18, 2010 10:48 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Today, Jacob Leth, member of the Board of Directors of Eik Banki, has announced to the Bank that in order not to damage the Bank's reputation he resigns from the Board, effective immediately. The...
Jacob Leth Resigns from the Board of Directors
May 18, 2010 10:48 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Today, Jacob Leth, member of the Board of Directors of Eik Banki, has announced to the Bank that in order not to damage the Bank's reputation he resigns from the Board, effective immediately. The...
Jacob Leth trækker sig fra bestyrelsen for Eik Banki P/F
May 18, 2010 10:48 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Jacob Leth, bestyrelsesmedlem i Eik Banki på Færøerne, har i dag meddelt banken, at han for ikke at skade bankens omdømme, med omgående virkning har besluttet at trække sig fra bestyrelsen for Eik...
Eik Banki optager fastforrentet lån på 140 mill. euro
May 14, 2010 08:01 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki P/F har i maj optaget et 3 årigt fastforrentet lån på nom. 140 mio. euro. Lånet, som er seniorkapital, forrentes med en effektiv rente på 2,015 pct. p.a. Lånet indfries i februar 2013....
Eik Banki Obtains Fixed Rate Loan of EUR 140 Million
May 14, 2010 08:01 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki P/F has obtained a three-year fixed rate loan of EUR 140 million. The loan, which is obtained in May, is senior debt with an effective fixed rate of 2.015 per cent p.a., with maturity in...
Eik Banki Obtains Fixed Rate Loan of EUR 140 Million
May 14, 2010 08:01 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki P/F has obtained a three-year fixed rate loan of EUR 140 million. The loan, which is obtained in May, is senior debt with an effective fixed rate of 2.015 per cent p.a., with maturity in...