Balder acquires 21 percent of Sato
April 01, 2015 08:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
Balder has agreed to acquire 21 percent of Sato. Sato is a Finnish real estate company focused on ownership and residential development. Sato owns about 25,000 rental homes at a value of EURM 2,500....
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
April 01, 2015 02:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
The shareholders of FASTIGHETS AB BALDER (publ) are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Södra Hamngatan 59,...
Kallelse till årsstämma
April 01, 2015 02:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
FASTIGHETS AB BALDER (publ) hälsar aktieägarna välkomna till årsstämma onsdagen den 6 maj 2015 kl 15.00 på Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Södra Hamngatan 59, 411 06 Göteborg. Anmälan m m Aktieägare...
Balder köper och säljer
March 27, 2015 09:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
Fastighets AB Balder har förvärvat en fastighet i Örestad Syd Köpenhamn för cirka 50 miljoner kronor. Fastigheten ligger inom befintlig detaljplan och möjliggör byggnation av bostäder om 16 500 kvm....
Balder acquires and sells
March 27, 2015 09:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
Balder has acquired a property in Ørestad Syd Copenhagen for approximately SEK 50 million. The property is located within existing zoning plan and permits construction of residential of 16,500 sqm....
Fastighets AB Balder Year-end report 2014
February 18, 2015 08:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
· Profit from property management before tax amounted to SEK 1,275m (854) corresponding to SEK 6.64 per ordinary share (4.57) · Rental income amounted to SEK 2,525m (1,884) · Profit after tax...
Fastighets AB Balder Bokslutskommuniké 2014
February 18, 2015 08:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
· Förvaltningsresultatet före skatt uppgick till 1 275 Mkr (854), motsvarande 6,64 kr per stamaktie (4,57) · Hyresintäkterna uppgick till 2 525 Mkr (1 884) · Resultatet efter skatt uppgick till...
Balder förvärvar fastighet på Kungsholmen för cirka 670 Mkr
February 05, 2015 02:30 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
Fastighets AB Balder förvärvar fastigheten Stockholm Snöflingan 3 där Courtyard by Marriott Stockholm bedriver sin verksamhet. Fastigheten var färdigställd 2009 med en uthyrningsbar yta om cirka...
Balder acquires a property on Kungsholmen for approximately SEK 670 million
February 05, 2015 02:30 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
Balder acquires the property Stockholm Snöflingan 3 where Courtyard by Marriott Stockholm operates. The property was completed in 2009 with a lettable area of about 22,000 square meters including 280...
Balder acquires Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel in central Gothenburg
December 15, 2014 08:00 ET | Fastighets AB Balder
Balder acquires the company, which owns the hotel property Inom Vallgraven 1:13, for an underlying property value of SEK 700 million. The hotel is located at Drottningtorget right next to Gothenburg´s...