Correction: Annual report 2022: Progress on all major parameters
March 30, 2023 05:01 ET
FirstFarms A/S
(English version of annual report-changed from page 70 to English language instead of Danish language) FirstFarms A/S delivers the best result since the stock exchange listing in 2006 and progress...
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i FirstFarms A/S
March 30, 2023 04:29 ET
FirstFarms A/S
Bestyrelsen indkalder hermed til ordinær generalforsamling i FirstFarms A/S, CVR 28 31 25 04.Generalforsamlingen afholdes tirsdag den 25. april 2023 kl. 14.00 på: SAGRO, Majsmarken 1, DK-7190...
Notice to convene the annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S
March 30, 2023 04:29 ET
FirstFarms A/S
The Board of Directors hereby convenes to annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S, CVR 28 31 25 04. The annual general meeting will be held on Tuesday 25 April 2023 at 2 p.m. in: SAGRO,...
Indberetning af insideres handel med FirstFarms A/S' aktier
March 29, 2023 02:18 ET
FirstFarms A/S
I henhold til Markedsmisbrugsforordningen art. 19, og i henhold til fuldmagt til at indberette handler for Thoraso Holding ApS, skal FirstFarms A/S hermed indberette oplysninger om ledende...
Report on insiders trade with FirstFarms A/S' shares
March 29, 2023 02:18 ET
FirstFarms A/S
Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation art. 19 and according to power of attorney to report transactions on behalf of Thoraso Holding ApS, FirstFarms A/S shall hereby report transactions with...
FirstFarms A/S belønner 2022-resultat
March 24, 2023 06:18 ET
FirstFarms A/S
Den samlede ledelse i ind- og udland bliver tilbudt warrants og dermed ret til på et tidspunkt at tegne aktier til en på forhånd aftalt dagskurs. FirstFarms’ bestyrelse ønsker med tilbuddet om...
FirstFarms A/S rewards 2022 result
March 24, 2023 06:18 ET
FirstFarms A/S
The entire management at domestic and foreign level is offered warrants and are thus, eventually, entitled to subscribe shares at a pre-agreed price. With the offer of warrants, FirstFarms’ Board...
Årsrapport 2022: Fremgang på alle væsentlige parametre
March 24, 2023 04:11 ET
FirstFarms A/S
FirstFarms A/S leverer det bedste resultat siden børsnoteringen i 2006 og fremgang for 7. år i træk. FirstFarms har i 2022 realiseret: o En omsætning på 418 mDKK (2021: 370 mDKK)o Et EBITDA...
Annual report 2022: Progress on all major parameters
March 24, 2023 04:11 ET
FirstFarms A/S
FirstFarms A/S delivers the best result since the stock exchange listing in 2006 and progress for the 7th year in a row. FirstFarms has in 2022 realised: o A turnover of 418 mDKK (2021: 370...
FirstFarms A/S adjusts upwards and clarifies the expectations to the year's result
January 23, 2023 02:23 ET
FirstFarms A/S
As a result of increasingly better market conditions for pigs and stable and good market conditions for crops and milk in Q4, 2022, FirstFarms A/S adjusts upwards its expectations for the year's...