Rapport semestriel 2
Rapport semestriel 2008 Intervest Offices
September 02, 2008 11:55 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Anvers, le 2 septembre 2008 - La sicaf immobilière publique Intervest Offices vous informe que le rapport semestriel 2008 est disponible sur le site web www.intervest.be.   Intervest Offices...
Half-year report 200
Half-year report 2008 Intervest Offices
September 02, 2008 11:55 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Antwerp, 2 September 2008 - Public property investment fund Intervest Offices informs you that the half-year report is available on the web site www.intervest.be.   Intervest Offices...
Rapport financier se
Rapport financier semestriel du conseil d'administration pour la période du 01.01.2008 au 30.06.2008
August 05, 2008 06:30 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Intervest Offices prévoit une augmentation du dividende pour l'exercice 2008   Anvers, le 5 août 2008 - la sicaf immobilière publique Intervest Offices communique aujourd'hui ses résultats du...
Half-yearly financia
Half-yearly financial report of the board of directors for the period 01.01.2008 to 30.06.2008
August 05, 2008 06:30 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Intervest Offices expects increase of dividend for financial year 2008   Antwerp, 5 August 2008 - Public property investment fund Intervest Offices releases today its results for the first half...
Halfjaarlijks financ
Halfjaarlijks financieel verslag van de raad van bestuur over de periode 01.01.2008 tot 30.06.2008
August 05, 2008 06:30 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Intervest Offices verwacht stijging van dividend over boekjaar 2008   Antwerpen, 5 augustus 2008 - Openbare vastgoedbevak Intervest Offices maakt vandaag haar resultaten over het eerste...
Date announcement ha
Date announcement half-yearly results 2008 Intervest Offices
July 28, 2008 11:45 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Antwerp, 28 July 2008 - The public property investment fund Intervest Offices announces that the half year results as at 30 June 2008 will be published on Tuesday 5 August 2008 at 12h30. These results...
Date publication rés
Date publication résultats semestriels 2008 Intervest Offices
July 28, 2008 11:45 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Anvers, le 28 juillet 2008 - La sicaf immobilière publique Intervest Offices annonce que les résultats semestriels au 30 juin 2008 seront publiés le mardi 5 août 2008 à 12h30. Les résultats seront...
Datum publicatie hal
Datum publicatie halfjaarresultaten 2008 Intervest Offices
July 28, 2008 11:45 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Antwerpen, 28 juli 2008 - Openbare vastgoedbevak Intervest Offices meldt dat de halfjaarresultaten per 30 juni 2008 bekendgemaakt zullen worden op dinsdag 5 augustus 2008 om 12u30. Deze resultaten...
Launch new website I
Launch new website Intervest Offices
June 27, 2008 06:15 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Intervest Offices has the pleasure to announce the launch of its new website and invites you to discover it through the link:   www.intervest.be  ...
Lancering nieuwe web
Lancering nieuwe website Intervest Offices
June 27, 2008 06:15 ET | Intervest Offices & Warehouses NV
Intervest Offices heeft het genoegen de lancering van haar nieuwe website aan te kondigen en nodigt u uit hem te ontdekken via de link:   www.intervest.be       ...