Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (“the Company”) - Expected non-payment of interest
September 27, 2010 07:45 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
As outlined in announcement nr. 70 on 8th September 2010 to the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, the Company does still not fulfil the senior loan requirement regarding the size of the senior loan...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Selskabet”) - Forlængelse af stand-still periode
September 08, 2010 08:16 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Som anført i Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 67 af 7. juli 2010 har Selskabet tidligere modtaget et stand-still brev, hvori seniorbanken meddeler, at de frem til 8. september 2010 ikke vil agere i forhold til...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Company”) - Extension of stand-still period
September 08, 2010 08:16 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
As outlined in notice number 67 on 7th July 2010 to the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, the Company has previously received a stand-still letter from the Senior Bank, where the Senior Bank states that...
Halvårsregnskab for
Halvårsregnskab for perioden 01.01.2010-30.06.2010
August 31, 2010 07:25 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Bestyrelsen i Selskabet har i dag afholdt bestyrelsesmøde, hvor Selskabets halvårsregnskab blev godkendt af bestyrelsen. Nedenfor er givet en dansk oversættelse af resumeet for halvårsregnskabet, der...
Condensed consolidat
Condensed consolidated interim report for the period 1 January 2010 - 30 June 2010
August 31, 2010 07:25 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
The Supervisory Board of Kefren Properties IX AB has today held a Supervisory Board meeting at which the Group's interim results were considered. Summary: Interim results in...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Company”) - New Asset Manager
July 26, 2010 01:09 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
To strengthen the day-to-day management of the portfolio, the Company has entered into a new asset management agreement with Valad Sweden AB, which is a part of the Valad Property Group. Valad...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Selskabet”) - Ny asset manager
July 26, 2010 01:09 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
For at styrke den daglige drift af porteføljen har Selskabet indgået ny asset management aftale med Valad Sweden AB, som er en del af Valad Property Group. Valad Property Group er en førende fund-...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Company”) - Extension of stand-still period
July 07, 2010 17:10 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
As outlined in notice number 66 on 26th May 2010 to the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, the Company has previously received a stand-still letter from the Senior Bank, where the Senior Bank states that...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Selskabet”) - Forlængelse af stand-still periode
July 07, 2010 17:10 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
Som anført i Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 66 af 26. maj 2010 har Selskabet tidligere modtaget et stand-still brev, hvori seniorbanken meddeler, at de frem til 7. juli 2010 ikke vil agere i forhold til...
Kefren Properties IX
Kefren Properties IX AB, 556691-4031 (”Company”) - Extension of stand-still period
May 26, 2010 11:21 ET | Kefren Properties IX AB
As outlined in notice number 64 on 28th April 2010 to the OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, the Company has previously received a stand-still letter from the Senior Bank, where the Senior Bank states...