Keops, notice convening annual general meeting 26 January 2007
January 12, 2007 11:56 ET | Keops A/S
The Company's Annual General Meeting is convened for Friday, 26 January 2007, at 15:00 at Keops A/S, Scandiagade 8, 2450 Copenhagen SV....
Keops, indkaldelse ordinær generalforsamling 26. januar 2007
January 12, 2007 11:56 ET | Keops A/S
Selskabets ordinære generalforsamling afholdes fredag, den 26. januar 2007 kl. 15:00 hos Keops A/S, Scandiagade 8, 2450 København SV....
Keops, recommends an expansion and strengthening of the Supervisory Board
January 10, 2007 06:24 ET | Keops A/S
As formerly announced, Keops' Supervisory Board will, as a part of the Company's strengthening of Corporate Governance, recommend the election of a number of new members for the Supervisory Board at...
Keops, indstiller til en udvidelse og styrkelse af bestyrelsen
January 10, 2007 06:23 ET | Keops A/S
Keops' bestyrelse vil som tidligere meddelt, og som led i selskabets styrkelse af Corporate Governance, stille forslag om valg af en række nye medlemmer til selskabets bestyrelse på den ordinære...
Keops, The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is not focusing its sights on Keops
January 03, 2007 10:06 ET | Keops A/S
Today, the business daily Boersen brings an article claiming partly that Keops has not complied with its duty to provide information about Eric Rylberg's role with the Company, partly that the...
Keops, Keops er ikke i Fondsbørsens søgelys
January 03, 2007 10:05 ET | Keops A/S
Dagbladet Børsen bringer i dag en artikel, som dels hævder, at Keops ikke har overholdt sin informationspligt omkring Eric Rylbergs rolle i selskabet - dels at Keops skulle være i Fondsbørsens...
Keops, Keops A/S sells Spanish construction project
January 03, 2007 04:11 ET | Keops A/S
Keops performs the sale of the Spanish holiday residence project Bahia-Fenicia to Investeringsselskabet af 11.12.1990 ApS, which until now has owned 1/3 of the project. For the buyers of the...
Keops, Keops A/S sælger spansk byggeprojekt
January 03, 2007 04:10 ET | Keops A/S
Keops gennemfører salget af det spanske ferieboligprojekt Bahia-Fenicia til Investeringsselskabet af 11.12.1990 ApS, der hidtil har ejet 1/3 af projektet. For køberne af de spanske fritids- og...