MNP Consumer Debt Index - July 2022
Canadians Forced to Make Tough Budget Decisions to Make Ends Meet, Amid Rising Interest Rates and Inflation
July 11, 2022 07:31 ET | MNP LTD
Over a Quarter Cutting Back on Essentials Such as Food, Utilities and Housing; Nearly Half Cutting Back on Non-Essentials Such as Travelling, Dining Out and Entertainment Six in ten say they are...
Indice des dettes à la consommation de MNP - Juillet 2022
La hausse des taux d’intérêt et de l’inflation pousse les Canadiens à faire des choix difficiles pour joindre les deux bouts
July 11, 2022 07:31 ET | MNP LTD
Plus d’un quart des répondants réduisent leurs dépenses essentielles comme l’épicerie, les services publics et le logement; près de la moitié limitent leurs dépenses non essentielles comme les...
Indice des dettes à la consommatin de MNP - Janvier 2022
La confiance des Canadiens à l’égard de leurs finances personnelles et de leur capacité à rembourser leurs dettes à son niveau le plus bas
January 17, 2022 06:08 ET | MNP LTD
L’Indice des dettes à la consommation de MNP plonge de sept points pour se situer à un creux historique sur fond de pandémie et d’incertitude Quarante-cinq p. cent des répondants doutent qu’ils...
MNP Consumer Debt Index - January 2022
Canadians’ Confidence in Personal Finances, Debt Repayment Abilities Reaches Lowest Level Ever Recorded
January 17, 2022 06:03 ET | MNP LTD
MNP Consumer Debt Index plummets 7 points to record low amid pandemic fatigue and uncertainty Forty-five per cent are not confident they can cover their living expenses this year (+5pts).Four in ten...
MNP Consumer Debt Index: Low Interest Rates and Rising Costs Leading Many Canadians Down Ever-Riskier Path to Borrow More
October 04, 2021 06:25 ET | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, Oct. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The latest MNP Consumer Debt Index raises red flags about Canadians’ plans to borrow more – and in potentially riskier ways – to make ends meet or...
MNP Consumer Debt Index: Nearly half of Canadians doubtful they can cover living expenses this year without going into further debt, highest level in three years
July 19, 2021 06:39 ET | MNP Ltd.
Three in ten (30%) say the pandemic worsened their debt or created more debt burden for either themselves or their family (35%).One-third (32%) of Canadian homeowners report being ‘house poor.’Number...
Over Half (53%) of Canadians Within $200 of Not Being Able to Cover Their Bills and Debt Payments, Up 10 Points Since December Reaching a Five-Year High
April 08, 2021 07:16 ET | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, April 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As pandemic-related financial support and loan deferral programs begin to unwind, the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds the number of...
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MNP Consumer Debt Index Reaches Lowest Point Ever Recorded as COVID Lockdown Measures Continue
January 18, 2021 07:00 ET | MNP Ltd.
Pandemic Impact: Declining financial confidence and increasing debt concerns among Canadians Four in ten not confident they can cover living expenses this year without going further into debt (+4)....
MNP LTD Acquires Beth Maynard & Associates Inc in Sudbury
January 04, 2021 07:00 ET | MNP Ltd.
CALGARY, Alberta, Jan. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MNP LTD. acquires Beth Maynard & Associates Inc, a consumer insolvency practice based in Sudbury, Ontario, effective January 1, 2021. “This...
MNP Consumer Debt Index Highlights Inequality in K-Shaped Recovery Pushing Canadians to Financial Distress
October 13, 2020 06:21 ET | MNP Ltd.
Lower-income earners, young Canadians, women and renters most at risk of debt burden or insolvency MNP Consumer Debt Index Sinks to Second-Lowest Reading Since Inception (94pts) CALGARY,...