NIB's financial statement 2010
March 14, 2011 07:37 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
Please find enclosed the Press Release of today with respect to NIB's financial statement 2010 together with the Financial Report 2010.   ...
Ársreikningur 2010
March 14, 2011 07:37 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
Meðfylgjandi er ársreikningur 2010 ásamt fréttatilkynningu....
9 mánaða uppgjör 2010
October 19, 2010 04:51 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
Sjá viðhengi. ...
NIB's Financial information Jan-Aug 2010
October 19, 2010 04:51 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
See attachment. ...
Member countries increase NIB's capital base
June 28, 2010 06:20 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
Helsinki, 28 June 2010 Member countries increase NIB's capital base The Board of Governors of the Nordic Investment Bank has decided to increase the Bank's authorised capital by EUR 2 billion. The...
CORRECTION: Financial figures for January-April 2010
June 22, 2010 10:49 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
The error which related to the reference figure for 2009 in relation Statement of comprehensive income, Net Interest Income, Jan-April 2009, (page 5), should have been 69,309 instead of 65,309 as...
CORRECTION: Financial figures for January-April 2010
June 22, 2010 10:49 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
The error which related to the reference figure for 2009 in relation Statement of comprehensive income, Net Interest Income, Jan-April 2009, (page 5), should have been 69,309 instead of 65,309 as...
Financial figures for January-April 2010
June 15, 2010 06:28 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
See attachment. ...
Financial figures for January-April 2010
June 15, 2010 06:28 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
Sjá viðhengi. ...
Annual Results 2009
March 11, 2010 04:10 ET | Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn
NIB keeps lending at EUR 2 billion, focus on high-mandate projects The financial markets showed increasing signs of normalisation in 2009. However, credit supply remained restrained, the real economy...