Padomes locekļu darba pieredze
October 04, 2011 05:32 ET | Olaines kudra
 Padomes locekļu darba pieredze par pēdējiem trīs gadiem pielikumā....
The work experience of members of the council
October 04, 2011 05:32 ET | Olaines kudra
 The work experience of members of the council within the last three years attached....
Akcionāru sapulces lēmums
October 03, 2011 07:21 ET | Olaines kudra
Akcionāru sapulces lēmums...
Meeting of shareholders passed decisions
October 03, 2011 07:21 ET | Olaines kudra
Meeting of shareholders passed decisions...
The statement of shareholders for shares sale and for shares purchase
September 19, 2011 01:48 ET | Olaines kudra
The statement of shareholders for shares sale and for shares purchase...
Akcionāru paziņojums par akciju pārdošanu un iegūšanu
September 19, 2011 01:48 ET | Olaines kudra
Akcionāru paziņojums par akciju pārdošanu un iegūšanu...
Project of decisions.
September 19, 2011 01:42 ET | Olaines kudra
Project of decisions attached. At the same time to inform that the Board Chairman G. Cankalis, board member W. Linin, S.Šakuns does not own the JSC "Olaines kudra 's” shares. ...
Akcionāru sapulces lēmuma projekts.
September 19, 2011 01:42 ET | Olaines kudra
Akcionāru sapulces lēmuma projekts pielikumā Vienlaikus informējam ka valdes priekšsēdētājam G.Cankalim, valdes loceklim V.Liniņam un S.Šakunam īpašumā nav AS "Olaines kūdra" ...
Financial calendar
September 19, 2011 01:37 ET | Olaines kudra
 S/C Olaines kudra informs that the report of the 9.months of 2011 will be submitted on 47 week  ...
Finanšu kalendars
September 19, 2011 01:37 ET | Olaines kudra
 A/s Olaines kūdra plano publicēt 2011.gada 9.mēnešu finanšu pārskatu 2011.gada 47.nedēļā.  ...