On the offer to purchase AS “Olainfarm” shares - announcement by AS “AB CITY”
August 19, 2021 06:50 ET
With the following AS “Olainfarm” informs that on August 19, 2021 it has received announcement from AS “Olainfarm” shareholder AS “AB CITY” on offer to purchase AS “Olainfarm” shares. Full...
Par obligātā akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājuma rezultātiem
August 19, 2021 01:57 ET
Akciju sabiedrība “Olainfarm”, turpmāk – Sabiedrība, informē, ka 2021. gada 18. augustā AS “AB CITY”, reģistrācijas numurs 40203174414, turpmāk – Piedāvātājs, saskaņā ar Finanšu instrumentu tirgus...
Regarding results of a share buy-back offer
August 19, 2021 01:57 ET
Joint stock company “Olainfarm”, hereinafter referred to as - “the Company”, hereby informs that on the 18th of August, 2021 joint stock company “AS “AB CITY””, registration number 40203174414,...
Komentārs par ziņu
August 17, 2021 09:05 ET
16.08.2021. laikrakstā Diena ir publicēts Jāņa Buka, AS "Olainfarm" valdes priekšsēdētāja, viedoklis par AS "Olainfarm" akciju turpmāku kotēšanu fondu biržā, kurā norādīts, ka atsevišķi akcionāri domā...
Comment on news
August 17, 2021 09:05 ET
On 16 August 2021 in an article in newspaper Diena Jānis Buks, chairperson of JSC Olainfarm, provided an opinion on future listing of JSC Olainfarm shares on the stock exchange where it is mentioned...
Par tiesvedību saistībā ar AS „Olainfarm" obligāto akciju atpirkšanas piedāvājumu
August 16, 2021 03:26 ET
Akciju sabiedrība “Olainfarm”, turpmāk – Sabiedrība, informē, ka ir pieaicināta trešās personas statusā administratīvajā lietā Nr. A43003521, turpmāk – Lieta, kas ierosināta saistībā ar AS “Olainfarm”...
On legal proceedings related to the mandatory share repurchase offer of JSC Olainfarm
August 16, 2021 03:26 ET
Joint Stock Company Olainfarm, hereinafter - the Company, hereby informs that it has been invited as a third party in the administrative case No A43003521, hereinafter - the Case, initiated in regard...
Paziņojums par obligāto akciju atpirkšanu
August 13, 2021 05:55 ET
Saistībā ar AS "AB CITY" iepriekš izsludināto obligāto AS "Olainfarm" akciju atpirkšanu, Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisija ir publicējusi šādu informāciju...
Announcement on mandatory share repurchase
August 13, 2021 05:55 ET
In relation to the previously announced JSC AB CITY mandatory repurchase of JSC Olainfarm shares, Financial and Capital Market Commission has published the following information...
On transaction with JSC Olainfarm shares
August 04, 2021 03:08 ET
On 3 August 2021 a notification regarding sale of shares has been received from JL Index Ltd., which is a closely related party to Jānis Leimanis, who performs manager's duties at JSC Olainfarm. The...