Atlantic Petroleum, finanskalender 2007
January 26, 2007 07:15 ET | P/F Atlantic Petroleum
We hereby inform of the financial calendar for 2007....
Atlantic Petroleum, notice convening extraordinary general meeting on 3 February 2007
January 19, 2007 05:30 ET | P/F Atlantic Petroleum
In connection with the registration of the shares of the Company at the OMX Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Company is according to Faroese law obligated to have two accountants and due to that this...
Atlantic Petroleum, indkaldelse ekstraordinær generalforsamling den 3 February 2007
January 19, 2007 05:29 ET | P/F Atlantic Petroleum
In connection with the registration of the shares of the Company at the OMX Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Company is according to Faroese law obligated to have two accountants and due to that this...