Conversion factor for Exchange offer in SGB IL 3104 2021-09-07
September 07, 2021 05:03 ET
2021-09-07 Conversion factor SGB IL 3104/3115; 0.6667093 The conversion factor of SGB IL 3104/3115 indicates the amount of SGB IL 3104 that the SNDO will buy back for each SGB IL 3115 issued...
Buy-back yield SGB IL 3104 2021-09-07
September 07, 2021 04:45 ET
2021-09-07 Buy-back yield SGB IL 3104; -1.7750% The buy-back yield of SGB IL 3104 is the yield at which the SNDO will buy SGB IL 3104 in the switch auction vs SGB IL 3115 on September...
Överskott för staten i augusti 2021
September 07, 2021 03:30 ET
Överskott för staten i augusti 2021 Statens betalningar resulterade i ett överskott på 43,4 miljarder kronor i augusti. Riksgäldens prognos var ett överskott på 21,3 miljarder kronor. Att...
Surplus for Swedish central government in August 2021
September 07, 2021 03:30 ET
Surplus for Swedish central government in August 2021 Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 43.4 billion in August. The Debt Office's forecast was a surplus of...
Conversion factor for Exchange offer in SGB IL 3114 2021-09-06
September 06, 2021 05:04 ET
2021-09-06 Conversion factor SGB IL 3114/3115; 2.1633404 The conversion factor of SGB IL 3114/3115 indicates the amount of SGB IL 3114 that the SNDO will buy back for each SGB IL 3115 issued...
Buy-back yield SGB IL 3114 2021-09-06
September 06, 2021 04:45 ET
2021-09-06 Buy-back yield SGB IL 3114; -1.7400% The buy-back yield of SGB IL 3114 is the yield at which the SNDO will buy SGB IL 3114 in the switch auction vs SGB IL 3115 on September...
Conversion factor for Exchange offer in SGB IL 3111 2021-09-03
September 03, 2021 05:04 ET
2021-09-03 Conversion factor SGB IL 3111/3115; 1.5940206 The conversion factor of SGB IL 3111/3115 indicates the amount of SGB IL 3111 that the SNDO will buy back for each SGB IL 3115 issued...
Buy-back yield SGB IL 3111 2021-09-03
September 03, 2021 04:45 ET
2021-09-03 Buy-back yield SGB IL 3111; -1.6450% The buy-back yield of SGB IL 3111 is the yield at which the SNDO will buy SGB IL 3111 in the switch auction vs SGB IL 3115 on September...
Bankernas uppfyllnad av krav på nedskrivningsbara skulder – kvartal två 2021
September 03, 2021 02:00 ET
Bankernas uppfyllnad av krav på nedskrivningsbara skulder – kvartal två 2021 Samtliga banker uppfyllde vid utgången av det andra kvartalet sina krav på nedskrivningsbara skulder, så kallade...
The compliance of banks with MREL requirements – Q2 2021
September 03, 2021 02:00 ET
The compliance of banks with MREL requirements – Q2 2021 At the end of the second quarter, all banks complied with the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL requirements)...