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June 17, 2013 01:00 ET | RomReal
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice dated 10 June 2013 and the Board of Directors' resolution to carry out a Rights Issue ("the Rights Issue") of up to 98,494,720 new shares ("the...
RomReal : Correction of mandatory notification of trade
June 12, 2013 12:34 ET | RomReal
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice 10 June 2013 regarding RomReal Ltd's (the "Company") offer to shareholders of the Company as of 15 May 2013 to purchase up to 3,000 of each...
RomReal : Eks tegningsretter i dag 11.06.2013
June 11, 2013 02:51 ET | RomReal
Aksjene i RomReal Ltd vil bli handlet ex. Tegningsretter fra og med i dag 11. juni 2013 (eks. dato). This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the...
RomReal : Ex subscription rights today 11.06.2013
June 11, 2013 02:51 ET | RomReal
RomReal Ltd's shares will trade ex. subscription rights as from and including 11 June 2013 (ex. date). This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the...
RomReal : Fortrinnsrettsemisjon vedtatt
June 10, 2013 11:57 ET | RomReal
Styret i RomReal Ltd ("RomReal" eller "Selskapet") har den 10. juni 2013, med grunnlag i fullmakt fra generalforsamlingen, fattet vedtak om fortrinnsrettsemisjonen med følgende hovedvilkår: ...
RomReal : Rights Issue Approved
June 10, 2013 11:57 ET | RomReal
On 10 June 2013, the Board of Directors of RomReal Ltd ("RomReal" or "the Company") resolved to conduct a rights issue, based on authorisation from the general meeting, with the following main...
RomReal : Meldepliktig handel
June 10, 2013 02:41 ET | RomReal
Det vises til børsmelding den 15. mai 2013 vedrørende RomReal Ltds ("Selskapet") tilbud om å kjøpe opp til 3.000 aksjer til NOK 1,50 per aksje fra hver av Selskapets aksjonærer per den 15. mai 2013...
RomReal : Mandatory notification of trade
June 10, 2013 02:41 ET | RomReal
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice 15 May 2013 regarding RomReal Ltd's (the "Company") offer to shareholders of the Company as of 15 May 2013 to purchase up to 3,000 of each...
RomReal : Mandatory notification of trade 3 June 2013
June 04, 2013 02:53 ET | RomReal
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice 15 May 2013 regarding RomReal Ltd's (the "Company") offer to shareholders of the Company as of 15 May 2013 to purchase up to 3,000 of each...
RomReal : Meldepliktig handel 3 juni 2013
June 04, 2013 02:53 ET | RomReal
Det vises til børsmelding den 15. mai 2013 vedrørende RomReal Ltds ("Selskapet") tilbud om å kjøpe opp til 3.000 aksjer til NOK 1,50 per aksje fra hver av Selskapets aksjonærer per den 15. mai 2013...