Changes in the Nomination Committee for SAS AB
July 09, 2015 02:00 ET
At the Annual Shareholders' Meeting inSASABon 19 February 2015, members for the
SAS AB Nomination Committee were appointed. Information about the Nomination
Committee's composition was published...
Förändring i valberedningen för SAS AB
July 09, 2015 02:00 ET
Vid årsstämman i SAS AB den 19 februari 2015 utsågs ledamöter till
valberedningen i SAS AB. Information om valberedningens sammansättning
offentliggjordes genom ett pressmeddelande direkt efter...
SAS traffic figures - June 2015
July 07, 2015 05:00 ET
• SAS carried a total of 2.8 million passengers in June.
• The total traffic (RPK) decreased by 5.2%.
• The total capacity (ASK) was reduced by 2.2%.
• The total load factor decreased by 2.6 p.u. to...
Changes in the Nomination Committee for SAS AB
June 23, 2015 02:00 ET
At the Annual Shareholders' Meeting in SAS AB on 19 February 2015, members for
the SAS AB Nomination Committee were appointed. Information about the Nomination
Committee's composition was published...
Förändring i valberedningen för SAS AB
June 23, 2015 02:00 ET
Vid årsstämman i SAS AB den 19 februari 2015 utsågs ledamöter till
valberedningen i SAS AB. Information om valberedningens sammansättning
offentliggjordes genom ett pressmeddelande direkt efter...
SAS Delårsrapport november 2014 – april 2015
June 18, 2015 02:00 ET
SAS kommersiella satsningar ger resultat
Februari 2015 – april 2015
· Resultat före skatt: 355 (-1 078) MSEK
· Resultat före skatt och engångsposter: -331 (-1 076) MSEK
· Intäkter: 9 403 (8...
SAS Interim report November 2014 – April 2015
June 18, 2015 02:00 ET
SAS’s commercial initiatives deliver results
February 2015 – April 2015
· Income before tax: MSEK 355 (-1,078)
· Income before tax and nonrecurring items: MSEK -331 (-1,076)
· Revenue: MSEK...
SAS traffic figures May 2015
June 05, 2015 05:00 ET
• SAS carried a total of 2.4 million passengers in May.
• The total traffic (RPK) decreased by 8.7%.
• The total capacity (ASK) was reduced by 4.4%.
• The total load factor decreased by 3.4 p.u. to...
SAS has signed an agreement with the Norwegian Pilot Union (NSF) and the industrial action in Norway is called of
May 28, 2015 03:40 ET
SAS has today signed a new modern collective bargain agreement with the
Norwegian pilot union NSF. The negotiations have reached its objective after a
strike that lasted for seven days and involved 17...
SAS har ingått avtal med norsk pilotförening (NSF) och konflikten i Norge är avblåst
May 28, 2015 03:28 ET
SAS har i dag tecknat ett nytt modernt kollektivavtal med den norska
pilotföreningen NSF. Förhandlingarna har nått i mål efter en strejk som varade i
7 dagar och omfattade 17 piloter. SAS har nu...