Finanskalender 2011/12
May 10, 2011 09:36 ET | Satair A/S
Det meddeles hermed, at Satair forventes at offentliggøre sine regnskabsmeddelelser for 2011/12 på følgende datoer:   14. september...
3. kvartal og første 9 måneder af 2010/11
May 10, 2011 01:57 ET | Satair A/S
Omsætning og resultat i 3. kvartal blev bedre end forventet. Omsætningen blev på 102,0 mio. USD svarende til en vækst på 33%, hvoraf 23% er organisk. Resultat før skat af fortsættende aktiviteter...
Q3 and first nine months of FY 2010/11
May 10, 2011 01:57 ET | Satair A/S
Third-quarter revenue and profit went above expectations. Revenue totaled USD 102.0 million, up 33% of which 23% is organic; profit before tax on continuing activities came to USD 9.1 million, up...
Satair overtager Aero Quality Sales
April 08, 2011 01:57 ET | Satair A/S
Den samlede købesum er aftalt til 30 mio. USD, hvoraf goodwill m.m. forventes at udgøre i størrelsesordenen 24 mio. USD. Købesummen betales kontant ved aftalens indgåelse. Købet af AQS vil øge...
Satair to take over Aero Quality Sales
April 08, 2011 01:57 ET | Satair A/S
The parties have agreed on a total purchase price of USD 30 million of which goodwill, etc., is expected to account for approx. USD 24 million. The purchase price is paid in cash at the time of...
Interesse om selskabet og strategiudmelding
March 29, 2011 10:48 ET | Satair A/S
Uden at have inviteret hertil har Satair modtaget uforbindende henvendelser fra finansielle investorer om en mulig overtagelse af selskabet. Bestyrelsen og ledelsen finder, at det er i aktionærernes...
Interest in the Company and strategy announcement
March 29, 2011 10:48 ET | Satair A/S
Satair has received unsolicited, non-committal inquiries from financial investors about the possible takeover of the Company. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee find that it is in...
Articles of association February 2011
March 09, 2011 08:39 ET | Satair A/S
New articles of association following the issue of new shares in connection with the exercise of share options....
Vedtægter februar 2011
March 09, 2011 08:39 ET | Satair A/S
Nye vedtægter som følge af at Satair A/S udsteder nye aktier i forbindelse med udnyttelse af tegningsoptioner (warrants)....
Change in the total number of shares and votes in Satair A/S
February 28, 2011 10:22 ET | Satair A/S
According to § 6 in Statutory Order number 220 from 10 March 2010 on Issuer’s Duty of Disclosure it is hereby announced, that the total share capital and number of votes has been increased after...