Olulise osaluse muut
Olulise osaluse muutus
May 16, 2024 06:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Baltic Cruises Investment L.P. teavitas AS-i Tallink Grupp osaluste olulistest muutustest. Alates 15. maist 2024 omab Baltic Cruises Investment L.P. 34 762 362 aktsiat, mis esindab 4,6751% AS Tallink...
Change in substantia
Change in substantial shareholding
May 16, 2024 06:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Baltic Cruises Investment L.P. has notified AS Tallink Grupp of substantial changes in shareholdings. As at 15 May 2024 Baltic Cruises Investment L.P. holds 34,762,362 shares which represent 4.6751%...
AS Tallink Grupp: Managers’ Transactions
May 15, 2024 08:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirementName: AS Infortar Position: Closely associated person(X) Legal person Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in IssuerName: Hanschmidt,...
AS Tallink Grupp: Juhtimiskohustusi täitvate isikute tehingud
May 15, 2024 08:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Isik, kelle suhtes kehtib tehingutest teavitamise nõue Nimi: AS Infortar Positsioon: Lähedalt seotud isik(X) Juriidiline isik Emitendis juhtimiskohustusi täitev isik:Nimi: Hanschmidt,...
AS Tallink Grupp: Managers’ Transactions
May 15, 2024 08:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirementName: AS Infortar Position: Closely associated person(X) Legal person Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in IssuerName: Hanschmidt,...
AS Tallink Grupp: Ju
AS Tallink Grupp: Juhtimiskohustusi täitvate isikute tehingud
May 08, 2024 04:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Isik, kelle suhtes kehtib tehingutest teavitamise nõue Nimi: AS Infortar Positsioon: Lähedalt seotud isik(X) Juriidiline isik Emitendis juhtimiskohustusi täitev isik:Nimi: Hanschmidt,...
AS Tallink Grupp: Ma
AS Tallink Grupp: Managers’ Transactions
May 08, 2024 04:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirementName: AS Infortar Position: Closely associated person(X) Legal person Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in IssuerName: Hanschmidt,...
AS Tallink Grupp: Ma
AS Tallink Grupp: Managers’ Transactions
May 08, 2024 04:00 ET | Tallink Grupp
Person subject to the notification requirementName: AS Infortar Position: Closely associated person(X) Legal person Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in IssuerName: Hanschmidt,...
AS Tallink Grupp akt
AS Tallink Grupp aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused
May 07, 2024 06:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS-i Tallink Grupp (registrikood 10238429, asukoht ja aadress Sadama 5, 10111 Tallinn) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus 7. mail 2024 algusega kell 11.00 Tallink SPA & Conference Hotelli...
Resolutions of the A
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AS Tallink Grupp
May 07, 2024 06:45 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp (registration code 10238429, location and address at Sadama 5, 10111 Tallinn) held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 7 May 2024 at 11 AM at the conference centre of...