Ekstraordinære indfr
Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) - Totalkredit A/S
March 11, 2024 05:05 ET | Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) I medfør af kapitalmarkedsloven § 24 offentliggør Totalkredit A/S hermed oplysninger om ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) pr. den 8. marts...
Prepayments (CK93) -
Prepayments (CK93) - Totalkredit A/S
March 11, 2024 05:05 ET | Totalkredit A/S
To the Nasdaq Copenhagen Prepayments (CK93) Pursuant to s 24 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Totalkredit A/S hereby publishes prepayment data (CK93) as at 8 March 2024 in the attached file. ...
Fastsættelse af rent
Fastsættelse af rentetrigger - Totalkredit A/S
March 08, 2024 07:40 ET | Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen Fastsættelse af rentetrigger Nykredit-koncernen har afsluttet obligationssalget ved refinansiering af Tilpasningslån med årlig rentetilpasning pr. 1. april 2024. Niveauet for...
Determination of int
Determination of interest rate trigger - Totalkredit A/S
March 08, 2024 07:40 ET | Totalkredit A/S
To Nasdaq Copenhagen Determination of interest rate trigger The Nykredit Group has finished its bond sales in connection with the refinancing of ARMs with interest rate adjustment as at 1 April...
Indkaldelse til ordi
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i Totalkredit A/S
March 07, 2024 04:00 ET | Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i Totalkredit A/S Totalkredit A/S afholder ordinær generalforsamling torsdag den 21. marts 2024 kl. 10.00 på selskabets adresse,...
Convening of annual
Convening of annual general meeting of Totalkredit A/S
March 07, 2024 04:00 ET | Totalkredit A/S
To Nasdaq Copenhagen Convening of annual general meeting of Totalkredit A/S Totalkredit A/S will hold its annual general meeting on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 10:00 at the Company's offices at...
Korrektion: Ekstraor
Korrektion: Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) - Totalkredit A/S
March 05, 2024 04:50 ET | Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) I medfør af kapitalmarkedsloven § 24 offentliggør Totalkredit A/S hermed oplysninger om ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) pr. den 1. marts...
Correction: Prepayme
Correction: Prepayments (CK93) - Totalkredit A/S
March 05, 2024 04:50 ET | Totalkredit A/S
To the Nasdaq Copenhagen Prepayments (CK93) Pursuant to s 24 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Totalkredit A/S hereby publishes prepayment data (CK93) as at 1 March 2024 in the attached file. ...
Ekstraordinære indfr
Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) - Totalkredit A/S
March 04, 2024 03:59 ET | Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) I medfør af kapitalmarkedsloven § 24 offentliggør Totalkredit A/S hermed oplysninger om ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) pr. den 1. marts...
Prepayments (CK93) -
Prepayments (CK93) - Totalkredit A/S
March 04, 2024 03:59 ET | Totalkredit A/S
To the Nasdaq Copenhagen Prepayments (CK93) Pursuant to s 24 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Totalkredit A/S hereby publishes prepayment data (CK93) as at 1 March 2024 in the attached file. ...