Recording from the business update presentation of JSC “Ventspils nafta” and JSC “Latvijas kuģniecība” about performance in 2014
February 26, 2015 02:55 ET
Ventspils nafta
On Wednesday, February 25, JSC “Ventspils nafta”, which is one of the largest groups of companies in Latvia operating in transportation, transhipment and storage of petroleum products, and JSC...
Par AS “Ventspils nafta” 2014. gada 12 mēnešu nerevidēto pārskatu
February 26, 2015 02:42 ET
Ventspils nafta
AS “Ventspils nafta” un tās meitas sabiedrības (VN Koncerns) nerevidētie finanšu rezultāti par 2014. gada 12 mēnešiem ir sekojoši:
Neto zaudējumi 13,83 milj. EUR apmērā (2013.g.: neto zaudējumi...
About unaudited results of JSC Ventspils nafta in 2014
February 26, 2015 02:42 ET
Ventspils nafta
Ventspils nafta and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) today announce the unaudited financial results for 2014.
Net loss of 13.83 million EUR (2013: loss of 61.21 million EUR).
About resolution of shareholders’ meeting of “LatRosTrans” Ltd
February 24, 2015 02:16 ET
Ventspils nafta
66’000’000 shares were cancelled, which were submitted by the company’s shareholders for cancellation in proportion with their investment. After reduction of the share capital, both shareholders...
Par SIA “LatRosTrans” dalībnieku sapulces lēmumu
February 24, 2015 02:16 ET
Ventspils nafta
Tika dzēstas 66 000 000 kapitāla daļas, kuras sabiedrības dalībnieki iesnieguši dzēšanai proporcionāli to ieguldījumam. Abu dalībnieku īpašumā pēc pamatkapitāla samazināšanas paliek nemainīgs...
JSC “Ventspils nafta” and JSC “Latvijas kuģniecība” business update webcast scheduled for 2.30PM on 25 February 2015
February 19, 2015 05:47 ET
Ventspils nafta
JSC “Ventspils nafta”, one of Latvia’s leading oil product transportation and storage companies, and JSC “Latvijas kuģniecība”, its shipping subsidiary, announce that their 2015 business update...
AS “Ventspils nafta” un AS “Latvijas kuģniecība” biznesa snieguma prezentācijas tiešraide notiks 25. februārī plkst. 14:30
February 19, 2015 05:47 ET
Ventspils nafta
AS “Ventspils nafta”, viena no Latvijas lielākajām naftas produktu transportēšanas, pārkraušanas un uzglabāšanas uzņēmumu grupām, un tās meitas uzņēmums AS “Latvijas Kuģniecība” informē, ka...
Pērn nedaudz pieauguši AS “Ventspils nafta” meitas sabiedrību pārkrauto un transportēto produktu apjomi
February 06, 2015 02:40 ET
Ventspils nafta
AS “Ventspils nafta” grupas uzņēmumu vadība norāda, ka 2014. gada rezultāti atspoguļo biznesa plānā ietverto un attaisno izvirzītās prognozes. Grupas meitas uzņēmumu transportēto naftas un naftas...
Volumes of transhipped and transported cargoes of JSC “Ventspils nafta” subsidiaries have slightly increased
February 06, 2015 02:40 ET
Ventspils nafta
Management of the companies of the JSC “Ventspils nafta” Group points out that the results of 2014 reflect what was foreseen in the business plan. Group wide, volumes increased marginally year on...
"Ventspils nafta" financial calendar for 2015
December 12, 2014 09:51 ET
Ventspils nafta
JSC “Ventspils nafta” (NASDAQ OMX RIGA: VNF1R) will publish its interim condensed financial reports in 2015 as follows:
for 3 months - on May 29, 2015;
for 6 months - on August 28,...