Viking Supply Ships AB announces restructuring agreement
August 29, 2016 12:40 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Press release
With reference to previous communication related to the ongoing financial
restructuring of Viking Supply Ships A/S (VSS A/S): The company has now reached
an agreement with the committee...
Viking Supply Ships AB har ingått avtal om omstrukturering
August 29, 2016 12:40 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Med hänvisning till tidigare pressmeddelande beträffande den pågående
finansiella omstruktureringen av Viking Supply Ships A/S, har bolaget nu ingått
en överenskommelse med den...
Viking Supply Ships AB announces changes in the financial calendar.
August 22, 2016 11:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Press release
With reference to previous communication related to the ongoing financial
restructuring of Viking Supply Ships A/S: The company has been in discussions
with the ad hoc committee of...
Viking Supply Ships AB meddelar om ändring i den finansiella kalendern
August 22, 2016 11:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Vi hänvisar till tidigare lämnad information om den pågående finansiella
omstruktureringen av Viking Supply Ships A/S. Bolaget har fört diskussioner med
den ad-hoc kommitté som...
Viking Supply Ships AB meddelar om ändring i den finansiella kalendern
August 03, 2016 11:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Viking Supply Ships AB har beslutat att senarelägga publiceringen av
delårsrapporten för januari – juni 2016. Delårsrapporten var enligt den
finansiella kalendern planerad att...
Viking Supply Ships AB announces changes in the financial calendar
August 03, 2016 11:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Press release
Viking Supply Ships AB has decided to postpone the reporting date for Q2 2016.
The report was according to the financial calendar scheduled for 5 August. The
new date for the report is...
Viking Supply Ships A/S kansellerar mötet med obligationsägarna
July 26, 2016 07:18 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Vi hänvisar till vårt pressmeddelande den 12 juli 2016 avseende kallelsen till
möte med obligationsinnehavarna till ISIN NO 001 0638158 – FRN Viking Supply
Ships A/S Senior Unsecured...
Viking Supply Ships A/S har mottagit uppsägning av kontraktet för AHTS fartyget “Njord Viking”
July 25, 2016 02:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Viking Supply Ships A/S har mottagit förtida uppsägning av kontraktet för AHTS
fartyget “Njord Viking” med isklass 1A. Fartyget har varit sysselsatt av ENI
Norge i Barents hav och har...
Viking Supply Ships AS has received termination of contract for the AHTS “Njord Viking”
July 25, 2016 02:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Press release
Viking Supply Ships A/S (VSS) has received an early termination notice of the
contract for the Ice-class 1A AHTS “Njord Viking”. The vessel has been working
for Eni Norge in the Barents...
Viking Supply Ships A/S Summons to bondholders’ meeting
July 12, 2016 02:30 ET
Viking Supply Ships AB
Press release
With reference to previous communication related to the ongoing financial
restructuring of Viking Supply Ships A/S (VSS), the company is pleased to
announce that the term sheet which has...