การลดการปล่อยคาร์บอนในการผลิตเหล็กกล้าจะกำหนดนิยามใหม่ของห่วงโซ่อุปทานภายในปี 2050
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
กรุงลอนดอน ฮุสตัน และสิงคโปร์, Oct. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- จากรายงาน Horizons ฉบับล่าสุดของ Wood Mackenzie...
A descarbonização do aço redefinirá as cadeias de suprimentos até 2050
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDRES, HOUSTON e SINGAPURA, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- De acordo com o último relatório Horizons da Wood Mackenzie, a indústria siderúrgica deverá passar por uma transformação...
Penyahkarbonan keluli untuk mentakrifkan semula rantaian bekalan menjelang 2050
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDON dan HOUSTON dan SINGAPURA, Oct. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Menurut laporan Horizons terkini dari Wood Mackenzie, industri keluli akan mengalami transformasi yang signifikan apabila usaha...
Wood Mackenzie, 2050년까지 공급망 재편할 철강 탈탄소화 전망
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
런던, 휴스턴, 싱가포르, Oct. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wood Mackenzie의 최신 Horizon 보고서에 따르면, 철강 산업은 탈탄소화 노력의 가속화로 대대적인 변혁을 앞두고 있다. ‘메탈모포시스: 탈탄소화가 철강 산업에 끼치는 영향’이라는 제목의 보고서는 새로운 금속 허브의 등장과 철강 생산 및 글로벌 무역...
Dekarbonisasi baja akan merombak rantai pasokan pada tahun 2050
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDON dan HOUSTON dan SINGAPURA, Oct. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Menurut laporan Horizons terbaru dari Wood Mackenzie, industri baja bersiap mengalami transformasi besar ketika upaya...
La décarbonation de l'acier en passe de redéfinir les chaînes d'approvisionnement d'ici à 2050
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDRES, HOUSTON et SINGAPOUR, 19 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Selon le dernier rapport Horizons de Wood Mackenzie, l'industrie sidérurgique devrait subir une transformation significative qui...
October 19, 2023 17:07 ET | Wood Mackenzie
伦敦、休斯顿和新加坡, Oct. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 根据Wood Mackenzie最新发布的《Horizons》报告,随着去碳化进程的加快,钢铁工业将发生重大转变。 报告标题为《金属蜕变:去碳化如何改变钢铁工业》(Metalmorphosis: how decarbonisation is transforming the iron and steel...
Steel decarbonisation to redefine supply chains by 2050
October 19, 2023 04:15 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDON and HOUSTON and SINGAPORE, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to the latest Horizons report from Wood Mackenzie, the steel industry is set to undergo a significant transformation as...
Wood Mackenzie launches Lens Carbon
October 09, 2023 08:10 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDON and HOUSTON and SINGAPORE, Oct. 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wood Mackenzie, the global insight business for renewables, energy and natural resources, has launched Lens Carbon, a unique...
Industry leaders to speak at Wood Mackenzie’s Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference 2023
September 18, 2023 12:05 ET | Wood Mackenzie
LONDON and HOUSTON and SINGAPORE, Sept. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carbon capture, utilization and storage continue to gain traction as a key energy transition technology. Join Wood Mackenzie’s...