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DeCipher: A Novel ChatGPT-based Service for Web3 Developers, Enabling Precise Documentation Generation from Smart Contracts
July 06, 2023 07:05 ET | Bunzz Pte Ltd
SINGAPORE, July 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bunzz PTE LTD, a Singapore-based tech company, is thrilled to announce the upcoming release of "DeCipher," a revolutionary AI-powered tool designed to...
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Bunzz, Asia's Largest Smart Contract Development Infrastructure, Exceeded 6,000+ Users and Is Listed on Coinbase's Chaos Map
September 14, 2022 19:41 ET | Bunzz pte ltd
Singapore, Singapore, Sept. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What is Bunzz? Bunzz is a DApp Development platform that provides blockchain developers with easier tools to save development time through a...
Bunzz, one of the largest DApp development platforms in Asia, has surpassed 3,300 users, and developers who want to participate in Web3 are enthusiastic about this development tool!
June 08, 2022 13:08 ET | LasTrust
Tokyo, Minato-ku, Japan, June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Web3 startup LasTrust is pleased to announce that 3,300 users have been registered so far on their DApp (distributed application using...
DApp Building Platform "Bunzz" Seamlessly Integrates with Polkadot's DApp Hub "Astar Network" to Make Developing and Deploying Web3 Services Scary Easy!
March 03, 2022 13:47 ET | LasTrust Inc.
Web3 startup LasTrust has updated its DApp (Blockchain-based Decentralized Application) development support platform, Bunzz, to support Polkadot's DApp Hub, Astar Network and Shiden. Tokyo,...
Dev DApps in 10 minutes With No-Code
An upcoming innovation that will allow you to develop DApps and Blockchain service with No-Code within 10 minutes
October 04, 2021 12:34 ET | LasTrust Inc.
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Oct. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blockchain startup LasTrust has started accepting beta user registrations for Bunzz, a development support tool for blockchain developers that...