Innovator Announces New Upside Cap Ranges for Reset of October and Quarterly Defined Outcome ETFs™
September 24, 2021 16:08 ET | Innovator Capital Management
New upside cap ranges announced for October Series of Domestic Equity Buffer ETFs™: Power Buffer ETFs™ on QQQ (NOCT) and U.S. Small Caps (KOCT), as well as the flagship Innovator U.S. Equity Buffer...
Innovator Plans to List July Series of Accelerated ETFs™, Allowing Investors to Seek Double or Triple SPY or QQQ Upside Returns, to a Cap
June 25, 2021 12:25 ET | Innovator Capital Management
XDJL, XBJL, XTJL, QTJL: New Accelerated ETFs™ listing July 1st Seek to offer a multiple (2x or 3x) of the upside of SPY or QQQ, to a cap, with approximately single exposure to the downside, with or...