100 Victoria Street, London UK
BrainBox AI installe sa technologie innovante, initiant ainsi un partenariat important avec Landsec
December 09, 2021 05:00 ET | BrainBox AI Inc
MONTREAL, 09 déc. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BrainBox AI, une entreprise pionnière de la technologie prédictive et auto-adaptative pour les bâtiments commerciaux, a signé un nouveau partenariat...
BrainBox AI Installs its Innovative Technology Initiating Significant Partnership with Landsec
December 09, 2021 05:00 ET | BrainBox AI Inc
MONTREAL, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BrainBox AI, a pioneer in predictive and self-adaptive commercial building technology, has signed a new partnership with Landsec, one of the leading real...
100 Victoria Street London
BrainBox AI Installs its Innovative Technology Initiating Significant Partnership with Landsec
December 09, 2021 05:00 ET | BrainBox AI Inc
LONDON, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BrainBox AI, a pioneer in predictive and self-adaptive commercial building technology, has signed a new partnership with Landsec, one of the leading real...