GPS-Enabled Tracking Solutions Cut Fuel Costs by 22%
July 22, 2009 13:06 ET
Aberdeen Group
BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - July 22, 2009) - In an uncertain economy, leading organizations
are turning to GPS-enabled Service Workforce and Fleet Management solutions
to drive efficiencies into their...
Workforce and Fleet Utilization Benefits Drive Adoption of GPS-Enabled Solutions
June 09, 2009 10:00 ET
Aberdeen Group
BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - June 9, 2009) - In an uncertain economy, leading organizations
are turning to GPS-enabled Service Workforce and Fleet Management solutions
to drive efficiencies into their...
Scene Genesis RouteDirector Lets Insurers Optimize Adjuster Appointments, Cut Driving
July 09, 2008 09:56 ET
Scene Genesis
PITTSFORD, NY--(Marketwire - July 9, 2008) - Scene Genesis RouteDirector, software that
allows carriers to optimize their route planning via "best time"
appointment scheduling, has been unveiled by...