Moleac’s NeuroAiD™II Improves Post-Concussion Symptoms, Quality of Life, and Mood after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
December 04, 2023 22:41 ET
Moleac Pte Ltd
Promising results from the SAMURAI study show NeuroAiDTMII significantly improves post-concussion symptoms, QoL and mood post-mild traumatic brain injury.
SLT (CognivAiD™) Improves Memory and Cognition in Individuals With Mild Cognitive Impairment: Clinical Trial Results
November 09, 2023 04:22 ET
Moleac Pte Ltd
Investigator-initiated clinical trial of SLT (CognivAiDTM) for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) reported significant improvement in key cognitive domains.