S&P's downgrade of France’s credit rating has no impact on AFL's rating
June 07, 2024 09:33 ET | Agence France Locale
 Lyon, June 7th, 2024 -S&P's downgrade of France’s credit rating has no impact on AFL's rating- AFL's long-term debt is rated AA- Stable Outlook. As indicated in the outlook...
Agence France Locale :
June 07, 2024 09:33 ET | Agence France Locale
 Lyon, le 7 juin 2024 -Pas d’impact de la baisse de la note de la France par S&P sur celle de l’AFL- La dette à long terme de l’AFL est notée AA- Perspective stable. Comme indiqué dans la...
Annual results 2023: Record business generates solid results and confirms the attractiveness of the AFL model
April 02, 2024 09:18 ET | Agence France Locale
Annual results 2023: Record business generates solid results and confirms the attractiveness of the AFL model At 31 December 2023, the AFL Group reported a sharp improvement in results: The...
First half-year 2023: AFL reinforces its model with a very strong balance sheet and results and keeps its promise to its member authorities by continuing to increase its lending on competitive terms.
September 28, 2023 05:29 ET | Agence France Locale
First half-year 2023: AFL reinforces its model with a very strong balance sheet and results and keeps its promise to its member authorities by continuing to increase its lending on competitive terms. ...
2021 : a record year for AFL Group
April 25, 2022 12:39 ET | Agence France Locale
2021: a record year for AFL Group Following the meetings of the Supervisory Board of Agence France Locale and the Board of Directors of Agence France Locale – Société Territoriale, held on March 28,...
Agence France Locale: The results for the six months to June 30, 2021 confirm AFL’s profitability. For the third consecutive half-year, AFL’s banking activities generated a profit against a backdrop of growth in membership
October 05, 2021 04:29 ET | Agence France Locale
The results for the six months to June 30, 2021 confirm AFL’s profitability. For the third consecutive half-year, AFL’s banking activities generated a profit against a backdrop of growth in membership...
Agence France Locale: at the end of the first half of 2020, AFL reached a major stage in its construction when it reported a gross operating income at breakeven
September 29, 2020 02:00 ET | Agence France Locale
At the end of the first half of 2020, AFL reached a major stage in its construction when it reported a gross operating income at breakeven With today’s publication of its half-yearly report, AFL...
Agence France Locale : à l’issue du premier semestre 2020, l’AFL franchit une étape majeure de sa construction en publiant un résultat brut d’exploitation à l’équilibre
September 29, 2020 02:00 ET | Agence France Locale
A l’issue du premier semestre 2020, l’AFL franchit une étape majeure de sa construction en publiant un résultat brut d’exploitation à l’équilibre A l’occasion de la publication ce jour de...
April 02, 2020 06:20 ET | Agence France Locale
2019 RESULTS AND ACTIVITY OF AGENCE FRANCE LOCALE GROUP UNDERLINE THE ROBUSTNESS AND APPEAL OF ITS MODEL Following the Supervisory Board meetings of Agence France Locale and the Board Meeting of...
Agence France Locale: Standard & Poor’s assigns a « AA- » rating to AFL
May 22, 2019 09:09 ET | Agence France Locale
 Press releaseMay 22, 2019 Standard & Poor’s assigns a « AA- » rating to AFL Agence France Locale (AFL), the French local authorities’ bank has been assigned « AA- » (long term) and...