JLT Mobile Computers lanserar uppgraderad VERSO™-serie med marknadens högsta prestanda
June 13, 2024 08:00 ET | JLT Mobile Computers AB
Uppgraderade VERSO-serienBild tillgänglig: pr@jltmobile.com Tack vare den kraftfulla Intel® Core™ i7-processorn kan avancerade applikationer med höga krav på prestanda utföras snabbare än någonsin....
JLT Mobile Computers launches upgraded VERSO™ Series with the highest computing power on the market
June 13, 2024 08:00 ET | JLT Mobile Computers AB
Upgraded VERSO SeriesImage available: press@jltmobile.com Thanks to the powerful Intel® Core™ i7 processor, advanced applications with high requirements on CPU-power can be done faster than ever....