Le Syndicat des Métallos applaudit les nouveaux tarifs qui protégeront les emplois dans les secteurs canadiens de l'acier et de l'aluminium
October 22, 2024 16:02 ET | United Steelworkers union
TORONTO, 22 oct. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le Syndicat des Métallos se réjouit de la mise en œuvre, aujourd'hui, de tarifs douaniers sur les produits d'acier et d'aluminium en provenance de la Chine,...
The United Steelworkers Union Welcomes New Tariffs That Will Protect Jobs in Canada's Steel and Aluminum Sectors
October 22, 2024 16:02 ET | United Steelworkers union
United Steelworkers applaud today’s implementation of tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products
Le Syndicat des Méta
Le Syndicat des Métallos condamne l'attaque trompeuse de Pierre Poilievre contre le régime d'assurance-médicaments
September 27, 2024 07:00 ET | United Steelworkers union
HAMILTON, Ontario, 27 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le Syndicat des Métallos condamne fermement les déclarations trompeuses faites par Pierre Poilievre à la Chambre des communes plus tôt cette...
United Steelworkers
United Steelworkers union call out Pierre Poilievre’s misleading attack on Pharmacare
September 27, 2024 07:00 ET | United Steelworkers union
The United Steelworkers union (USW) strongly condemns the misleading statements made by Pierre Poilievre on Pharmacare and bargained drug plans
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Déclaration du directeur national des Métallos, Marty Warren, suite à la décision du NPD de mettre fin à l'Accord de confiance et d'approvisionnement avec le gouvernement libéral
September 05, 2024 13:20 ET | United Steelworkers union
TORONTO, 05 sept. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- « Aujourd'hui, le chef du NPD, Jagmeet Singh, a expliqué les raisons pour lesquelles il a décidé de mettre fin à l'Accord de confiance et...
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Statement by Marty Warren, USW National Director for Canada on the NDP Decision to End the Confidence and Supply Agreement With the Liberal Government
September 05, 2024 13:20 ET | United Steelworkers union
Statement by USW National Director for Canada, Marty Warren, following the NDP decision to end the Confidence and Supply Agreement
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Tariffs on aluminum, steel and electric vehicle imports from China good for Canadian jobs: United Steelworkers union
August 26, 2024 11:37 ET | United Steelworkers union
The United Steelworkers union (USW) is lauding an announcement by the federal government this morning to impose tariffs on imports of steel, aluminum and
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United Steelworkers endorse the NDP candidate Leila Dance in Elmwood-Transcona by-election
August 09, 2024 13:47 ET | United Steelworkers union
The United Steelworkers announce their endorsement of Leila Dance, the New Democratic Party candidate in the by-election for the Elmwood-Transcona riding.
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Steelworkers union members at IMT Defence earn victory on wage equality
July 31, 2024 10:15 ET | United Steelworkers union
Following a nine-week strike, more than 200 members of the United Steelworkers union have achieved a significant victory on wage equality at IMT Defence.
Image: Four people stand together outdoors on the grass, beside an oil drum, holding picket signs that say "On Strike."
Steelworkers at Cambridge Brass on strike for fair treatment
July 30, 2024 16:00 ET | United Steelworkers union
Workers at Cambridge Brass, members of the USW, are on the picket line to win wage and pension improvements and the right to bid on shifts once a year.