ARCO's First Quarter Results: Refining and Marketing Strong, Upstream Volumes Grow; Cost Reductions on Target

LOS ANGELES, May 3, 1999 (PRIMEZONE) -- ARCO (NYSE: ARC) reported today 1999 first quarter net income of $165 million, or 51 cents per diluted share. In the 1998 first quarter ARCO's earnings totaled $220 million, or 67 cents per diluted share. Excluding special items, income from operations was $172 million, or 53 cents per share, versus $212 million, or 65 cents per share, in the same period of 1998.

"While weak commodity prices were the story during most of the first quarter, excellent results from our refining and marketing operations, strong upstream volume growth, and reduced costs offset these effects," said Mike R. Bowlin, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "In fact, income from continuing operations before special items improved by 37% versus last year's quarter."


In October last year, ARCO announced a cost reduction program designed to reduce before-tax costs by $500 million over a two-year period, with approximately $350 million of the savings in 1999. ARCO's operating, exploration, and selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) full-year expenses totaled $4.1 billion in 1998. Compared to the 1998 first quarter, these costs were down $75 million, despite the integration of newly acquired assets and substantial net volume growth.

"We have made good progress toward achieving our cost reduction goals with savings realized in key areas," said Bowlin, "I am confident we are on track to achieve the planned 1999 expense reductions."

The company streamlined its exploration portfolio, announced office closings and consolidations and identified for elimination 1,200 U.S. staff positions that primarily support international and corporate operations. Exploration expenses were down more than 50%, although a portion of the quarter's reduction was due to favorable timing of dry hole and seismic expenses. Five international offices were closed and the size of five other offices was substantially reduced. In addition, the company made significant progress consolidating its Los Angeles area office space. Approximately 45% of the staff reductions were completed as of the end of the first quarter.


ARCO's refining and marketing operations earned $129 million after tax in the 1999 first quarter, up from $19 million in 1998's first quarter, as a result of lower crude oil costs, coupled with increased retail volumes.

Higher gasoline realizations came late in the quarter and were due primarily to production losses from four separate California refinery incidents -- including one at ARCO's Los Angeles Refinery -- and the switch from winter to summer blends that causes a 10% reduction in volumes.


Total oil and gas production was up 15% versus the first quarter of 1998. Production totaled 1,104 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBOE/D) versus 963 MBOE/D in the prior period. The increase was primarily due to the integration of Union Texas Petroleum's assets into ARCO and a strong performance by Vastar Resources, Inc. (NYSE: VRI). Total production from Vastar rose 24% over last year's first quarter. ARCO holds an 82.1% interest in Vastar.

ARCO's petroleum liquids production increased 5% over first quarter 1998. Production of natural gas increased 33% for the quarter, compared to the same period last year.

ARCO's worldwide exploration and production operations for the 1999 first quarter earned $89 million after tax, compared to $182 million last year.

Domestic petroleum liquids realizations averaged $9.75 per barrel for the quarter versus $12.68 last year. Similarly, domestic natural gas prices averaged $1.60 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) compared to $1.89 per Mcf in the prior period. On the international side, average liquid realizations were down from $12.59 per barrel to $9.16, while average natural gas realizations were down from $2.69 per Mcf to $2.47.


The company achieved two significant discoveries during the quarter.

In the Gulf of Mexico, Vastar announced the Mirage deepwater discovery of approximately 300 feet of net oil pay in five intervals. Mirage was the company's second consecutive company-operated deepwater discovery. The previous discovery was at the King prospect.

ARCO, along with its partners, made a Central North Sea gas condensate find just five miles from the Elgin and Franklin fields and close to the Shearwater field development. Only a limited part of the new reservoir has been tested, achieving flows of 23 million cubic feet of gas and 2,100 barrels of good quality condensate per day.


A number of upstream developments are underway. Startup of the Villano field in Ecuador is on target for mid-year, with expected production of 20,000 net barrels per day by the 1999 third quarter.

Startup of the new Alpine field is on target for mid-2000 and will be the primary driver in stemming ARCO's Alaska production decline. Net production from Alpine is expected to average 28 MBOE/D in 2000 and 53 MBOE/D in 2001.

The Shearwater field in the Central North Sea is also on target for startup in mid-2000. ARCO's net production is expected to average 21 MBOE/D for 2000 and 42 MBOE/D by 2001.


Other operations, predominantly ARCO's Lower 48 pipelines, contributed after-tax earnings of $24 million 1999 first quarter, compared with $24 million in the 1998 first quarter.


As part of its strategy to divest non-core-businesses, ARCO completed divestitures of assets totaling more than $500 million during the quarter.

ARCO closed the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Union Texas Petrochemicals Corporation at the end of March. In addition, ARCO closed the sale of its 80% interest in the Gordonstone coal mine and of its interest in the Blair Athol Joint Venture, both in Queensland, Australia.


Editor's Note: On April 1, ARCO and BP Amoco announced that the two companies had agreed to combine. The all-share transaction, approved by the boards of both companies, will involve the exchange of 0.82 BP Amoco American Depositary Shares (ADS) for each ARCO share.

(Some of the matters discussed in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially based on numerous factors, including the realized level of crude oil and natural gas production and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's reports to the Securities Exchange Commission, including the 1997 report on Form 10-K.)

(Millions, except per share amounts)             Three Months Ended 
                                                      March 31,
                                                   1999        1998 
                                                 ---------   ---------
REVENUES                                                    (Restated)(c)
Sales and other operating revenues                $2,415      $2,536
Other revenues                                       136         110
                                                 ---------   ---------
     Total revenues                                2,551       2,646
                                                 ---------   ---------
Trade purchases                                      800         986
Operating expenses                                   566         535
Selling, general and administrative expenses         152         183
Depreciation, depletion and amortization             483         352
Exploration expenses (including undeveloped
     leasehold amortization)                          74         149
Taxes other than income taxes                        120         154
Interest  (a)                                         95          97
                                                 ---------   ---------
     Total expenses                                2,290       2,456
                                                 ---------   ---------
Income from continuing operations before income 
     taxes and minority interest                     261         190
Provision for taxes on income                         93          47
Minority interest in earnings of subsidiaries          3           9
                                                 ---------   ---------
Income from continuing operations                    165         134
Income from discontinued operations (b)                -          86
                                                 ---------   ---------
Net income                                       $   165     $   220
                                                 =========   =========
Earnings per share:
     Continuing operations                       $  0.51     $  0.42
     Discontinued operations                           -        0.27
     Net income                                  $  0.51     $  0.69
     Continuing operations                       $  0.51     $  0.41
     Discontinued operations                           -        0.26
     Net income                                  $  0.51     $  0.67
Dividends per common share                       $0.7125     $0.7125
(a)  Excludes capitalized interest of:           $    39     $    16
(b)  Net of income taxes of:                     $     -     $    46
(c)  Restated for discontinued operations with no change to net
                    AFTER-TAX SEGMENT EARNINGS
(Millions)                                        Three Months Ended 
                                                        March 31,
                                                   1999        1998
                                                 ---------   ---------
Exploration and production                       $    89     $   182
Refining and marketing                               129          19
Other (b)                                             24          24
Unallocated expenses                                  (7)        (22)
Interest expense                                     (70)        (69)
                                                 ---------   ---------
Income from continuing operations                    165         134
Discontinued operations (c)                            -          86
                                                 ---------   ---------
Net income                                          $165        $220
                      SEGMENT OPERATING INCOME
(Millions, except per share amounts)
                                Three months ended March 31, 1999
                                          Special Items       Before
                               Reported  (charge) benefit  Special Items
                               --------   ---------------  -------------
Exploration and production       $   89                       $    89
Refining and marketing              129       $   (2)             131
Other (b)                            24                            24
Unallocated expenses                 (7)          (5)              (2)
Interest expense                    (70)                          (70)
                               --------   ---------------  -------------
Income from continuing operations   165           (7)             172
Discontinued operations (c)           -                             -
                               --------   ---------------  -------------
     Total                      $   165       $   (7)         $   172
                               ========   ===============  =============
Average shares outstanding        327.2                         327.2
                               ========   ===============  =============
Earnings per share              $  0.51                       $  0.53
                               ========   ===============  =============
                                Three months ended March 31, 1999
                                          Special Items       Before
                               Reported  (charge) benefit  Special Items
                               --------   ---------------  -------------
                             (Restated)(a)                 (Restated)(a)
Exploration and production      $   182                       $   182
Refining and marketing               19                            19
Other (b)                            24                            24
Unallocated expenses                (22)      $    8              (30)
Interest expense                    (69)                          (69) 
                               --------   ---------------  -------------
Income from continuing operations   134            8              126
Discontinued operations (c)          86                            86
                               --------   ---------------  -------------
     Total                         $220       $    8          $   212
                               ========   ===============  =============
Average shares outstanding        327.2                         327.2
                               ========   ===============  =============
Earnings per share                $0.67                         $0.65
                               ========   ===============  =============
(a)  Restated for discontinued operations with no change to net income
(b)  Consists of ARCO Pipeline (Lower 48 pipelines) and aluminum 
(c)  Consists of residual interests in foreign coal operations in 1999 
     and interests in ARCO Chemical and coal operations in 
                      ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
                      CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                        March 31,    December 31, 
                                          1999           1998
                                       -----------   -----------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents            $    790      $    657
   Short-term investments                    248           260
   Accounts receivable                     1,018         1,002
   Inventories                               489           475
   Prepaid expenses and 
      other current assets                   228           317
                                       -----------   -----------
   Total current assets                    2,773         2,711
                                       -----------   -----------
Investments and long-term receivables:
   Investments accounted for 
      on the equity method                 1,223         1,235
   Other investments and 
      long-term receivables                1,023           831
                                       -----------   -----------
                                           2,246         2,066
                                       -----------   -----------
Net property, plant and equipment         18,942        18,762 
Net assets of discontinued operations         42           339 
Deferred charges and other assets          1,360         1,321 
                                       -----------   -----------
Total assets                           $  25,363     $  25,199 
                                       ===========   ===========
Current liabilities:
   Notes payable                       $   2,564     $   2,403 
   Accounts payable                          830           976 
   Taxes payable                             828           634 
   Long-term debt due within one year        199           399 
   Other                                     897         1,285 
                                       -----------   -----------
   Total current liabilities               5,318         5,697 
                                       -----------   -----------
Long-term debt                             4,618         4,332 
Deferred income taxes                      3,279         3,318 
Dismantlement, restoration and reclamation 1,082         1,058 
Other deferred liabilities and credits     2,958         2,955 
Minority interest                            262           259 
Stockholders' equity:
   Preference stocks                           1             1 
   Common stock                              815           815 
   Capital in excess of par value of stock   858           863 
   Retained earnings                       6,525         6,589 
   Treasury stock                           (313)         (344)
   Accumulated other comprehensive 
      income (loss)                          (40)         (344) 
                                       -----------   -----------
   Total stockholders' equity              7,846         7,580 
                                       -----------   -----------
Total liabilities and 
    stockholders' equity                 $25,363       $25,199 
                                       ===========   ===========
                       ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY
(Millions)                                         Three Months Ended
                                                        March 31,
                                                     1999       1998
                                                  --------    --------
Additions to fixed assets
Exploration and production (including 
   dry hole costs)                                  $  642     $  626
Refining and marketing                                 104        120
Other                                                   14          9
                                                  --------    --------
Total                                               $  760     $  755
                                                  ========    ========
Exploration and production
   Pretax earnings, before exploration expense:
      Alaska                                        $   59     $  206
      International                                     61         72
      Vastar                                            34        101
      Other Lower 48 operations                         44         45
                                                  --------    --------
                                                       198        424
   Exploration expense                                  74        149
                                                    ------     ------
   Exploration & production pretax earnings         $  124     $  275
                                                    ======     ======
   Pretax exploration expense:
      Alaska                                        $   12     $   19
      International                                     22         57
      Vastar                                            39         68 
      Other Lower 48                                     1          5
                                                    ------     ------
   Total exploration expense *                      $   74     $  149
                                                    ======     ======
After-tax exploration and production earnings 
      Alaska                                        $   31     $  116
      International                                     19          1 
      Vastar                                            19         48
      Other Lower 48                                    20         17
                                                    ------     ------
   Total                                            $   89     $  182
                                                    ======     ======
* Includes costs recovered under provisions of production-sharing
     agreements                                     $    2     $    6
                                                 Three Months Ended
                                                       March 31, 
                                                   1999       1998 
                                                 --------   --------
Crude, condensate and NGL production
(net thousand bbls/day):
   United States:
     Prudhoe Bay                                    144.7     157.4
     Kuparuk                                        121.4     130.9
     Greater Point McIntyre                          33.9      42.7
     NGLs / Other                                    45.1      33.1
                                                 --------   --------
          Total Alaska                              345.1     364.1
     Vastar liquids                                  55.9      51.6
     Other Lower 48 liquids                          92.2     140.5
                                                 --------   --------
   Total United States                              493.2     556.2
                                                 --------   --------
     United Kingdom                                  50.1      15.5
     Indonesia                                       40.4      22.0
     Algeria                                         20.8      21.8
     Venezuela                                       31.5      -   
     NGLs / Other                                    36.3      24.4
                                                 --------   --------
   Total International (a)                          179.1      83.7
                                                 --------   --------
Total liquids production (net thousand bbls/day)    672.3     639.9
                                                 ========   ========
(a) Includes equity affiliates                        8.2       3.3
                                                 ========   ========
Natural gas production (million cubic feet per day - net)
   United States:
     Vastar                                       1,168.0     902.1
     Other U.S.                                     191.8     189.6
                                                 --------   --------
   Total United States                            1,359.8   1,091.7
                                                 --------   --------
     United Kingdom                                 610.5     457.7
     Indonesia                                      266.9     244.7
     Indonesia LNG                                  202.6       -  
     China                                           91.1     124.6
     Other                                           57.5      20.6
                                                 --------   --------
   Total International (b)                        1,228.6     847.6
                                                 --------   --------
Total natural gas production                      2,588.4   1,939.3
                                                 ========   ========
(b) Includes equity affiliates                       68.2       -  
                                                 ========   ========
Total production (barrels of oil 
    equivalent - net thousands/day)               1,103.7     963.1
                                                 ========   ========
                                                 Three Months Ended
                                                       March 31, 
                                                   1999       1998 
                                                 --------   --------
Average sales prices
   Oil and gas liquids (per barrel):
     Alaska                                      $   6.07  $  10.26 
     Lower 48, including Vastar                  $   9.75  $  12.68 
     U.S. composite average price                $   7.17  $  11.10 
     Venezuela                                   $   3.71  $    -   
     International composite average price       $   9.16  $  12.59 
   Natural gas (per Mcf): 
     U.S., including Vastar                      $   1.60  $   1.89
     International                               $   2.47  $   2.69
     Indonesia LNG                               $   2.31  $    -   
Refinery runs (net thousand bbls per day):
   Crude oil                                        456.7     464.4
                                                 ========   ========
U.S. petroleum product sales volumes, including
  intersegment sales (net thousand bbls per day):
     Gasoline                                       310.0     295.4
     Jet fuels                                       98.5     110.2 
     Distillate fuels                                87.9      77.9 
     Other                                           59.1      63.4
                                                 --------   --------
     Total                                          555.5     546.9 
                                                 ========   ========
          News Media: 
          Linda Dozier (213) 486-3384, or 
          Bill Warren (213) 486-1747
          Eden Warner (213) 486-1511, or
          David DeSonier (213) 486-1811
          For a full listing of news releases: