Metso cordially invites you to the Metso Capital Markets Day for investors and equity analysts on Monday, December 11, 2000 in Metso Headquarters, Helsinki, Finland (address: Fabianinkatu 9 A, 1st floor).
A copy of the program is enclosed to this invitation.
Please confirm your participation by Monday, November 27, 2000 to Ms. Liisa Hellén, e-mail: or fax +358 20 484 3176. Metso will provide the accommodation in Helsinki.
We look forward to seeing you!
Yours sincerely,
Taina Sollamo, Vice President, Investor Relations / Metso Corporation
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Please, return to Liisa Hellén / or fax +358 20 484 3176
- Yes, I will attend Metso Capital Markets Day
- Name / Company
- Tel.
- Fax
- I need accommodation for Sunday night __, Monday night __
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
08:30 Metso breakfast
08:45 Introduction to the program / Taina Sollamo, Vice President, Investor Relations
09:00 Opening of the Capital Markets Day and introduction of the new CEO, Mr. Tor Bergman / Heikki Hakala, President and CEO
09:15 Metso merger and key achievements, Metso’s strategic transition, Achievement of financial targets / Sakari Tamminen, Executive Vice President and CFO
10:15 M&A activity as a tool for healthy growth / Heikki Asujamaa, Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Strengthening the leadership in Fiber and Paper Technology (Rationalization program, Integration of Beloit, Changing markets – changing customer needs: Future Care and e-business) / Juhani Pakkala, President, Fiber and Paper Technology business area
12:30 Metso lunch
13:30 Creating the world leader in the rock crushing and mineral processing industry (Strategic options, Svedala transaction, Future Care and e-business) / Olli Vaartimo, President, Machinery business area
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Targeting leadership in changing automation business (Strategic direction, Intra-Metso linkages, Future Care and e-business applications) / Arto Aaltonen, President, Automation and Control Technology Business Area
16:00 E-Metso as an in-house service provider / Paul-Erik Toivo, President of e-Metso
16:30 Closing Sakari Tamminen
Metso Corporation, Fabianinkatu 9 A, FIN-00130 Helsinki, Tel. +358 20 484 100, Fax +358 20 484 3176
Hotel Rivoli Jardin, Kasarmikatu 40, FIN-00130 Helsinki, Tel.+358 - 9 - 681 500, Fax +358 - 9 - 656 988