Berlin/Bochum, 06.02.2001 - "Big Friends for Youngsters" (BIFFY), the mentoring program implemented by the German Children and Youth Foundation and supported by Nokia, was officially started today at a press conference in Berlin. Panel guests were, amongst others, the program patroness, Prof. Rita Suessmuth, former president of the German parliament, and pop singer NENA, famous big friend. "In my life, I have experienced how important it is to have friends. I really love life, and I want to pass on my own joy of living. That's why I have become a big friend in the BIFFY program." This is how the singer accentuates her commitment, and cheers on: Ready, BIFFY, go!
In the BIFFY program, mentoring friendships between youth and adults spanning families and generations are being initiated and looked after. The program objective is to accompany children and youth while growing up to become responsible individuals, and to take them seriously with their experiences, insecurities and wishes. The program is addressed to children and youth between 10 and 16 years old as well as to adults willing to give each other trust, friendship and time. During the first year, BIFFY starts in six locations: Berlin, Bochum, Falkensee, Leipzig, Wismar and Wolfenbuettel., the internet presence specifically created for this program, offers detailed information and the possibility to get in touch in order to participate.
"It was a positive surprise to see what great feedback the program got from all generations. The need for personal contact between young and older people, the curiosity about each other and the desire to pass on own experience have not been paid sufficient attention to in our society. The feedback we received shows how eager citizens are to get involved. In the United Nations' International Year of Volunteers, Big Friends for Youngsters offers a program that is based upon voluntary social commitment and that strengthens mutual responsibility,“ emphasizes Prof. Suessmuth.
The first mentoring programs of this kind emerged in the United States already in 1904; since, friendships like this under the umbrella of "Big Brothers Big Sisters International“ have been implemented successfully in many countries. Dagmar McGill, Executive Director of the international organisation, stood by GCYF's side with her advice. She is thrilled that with "Big Friends for Youngsters“, the mentoring idea is now also being established in Germany.
Big companies develop a growing urge to take on responsibility and to make a positive contribution to society. What is exceptional about this program is that in Germany, this kind of cooperation between a foundation and a corporation is unique so far. "Nokia supports this project within the framework of the worldwide "Make a Connection“ program, coordinated by the International Youth Foundation and implemented in Germany by the German Children and Youth Foundation," underlines Veli Sundbäck, Executive Vice President and Member of the Executive Board, Nokia.
GCYF is a "joint action for youth and the future“. It is the foundation's objective to create spaces for young people in which they can learn and experience personal initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, participation and shared responsibility, as well as a democratic culture of living together. This encompasses a cooperation of generations that is characterized by equal rights. The GCYF was founded in May 1994 on account of an initiative of the International Youth Foundation (USA) and is part of an international association of foundations.
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Press contacts:
German Children and Youth Foundation,
Public Relations, Karin Siegmund, Chausseestrasse 29, 10115 Berlin
Phone +49-30-280 7000, Fax +49-30-283 2202
Nokia GmbH,
Corporate Communications, Birgit Opladen, Opitzstrasse 12, 40470 Duesseldorf
Phone +49-211-9089 5580, Fax +49-211-9089 5581