Odfjell y Vapores is a 50/50 joint venture by Odfjell and Compania SudAmericana de Vapores S.A. (CSAV). CSAV is a stocklisted, major Chilean shipping company. Odfjell y Vapores is primarily engaged in the sulphuric acid trade in Chile and on the West Coast of South America through contracts of affreightment where local flag is required. The company was established in 1997 when Odfjell sold M/T BOW ANDES to Odfjell y Vapores. The sulphuric acid trade is expanding which is the reason why Odfjell y Vapores requires additional tonnage.
Odfjell is the leading player in the global market of transporting chemicals and related logistical services. The fleet totals 85 vessels, trading both globally and regionally, of which 49 are owned by the group. Odfjell additionally owns and operates tank terminals and tank containers. Priority is being given to further developing the company's integrated logistical services. Odfjell has an annual turnover of about USD 800 million and total assets of USD 1.6 billion.