Enclosed please find our Annual Report for 2000 with a detailed review of the developments and results for the Group and for the individual units, as well as outlook for 2001.
The Group turnover went up by 18% from DKK 1,153 million in 1999 to DKK 1,357 million in 2000 which is in keeping with expectations. Profit for the year after tax and minority interests came to DKK 38.6 million which is slightly above expectations.
Enclosed is the notice convening the Annual General Meeting together with agenda and a requisition for ordering admittance card. We would point out that the requisition may also be used for issue of a power of attorney. You may return the requisition, duly filled in, in the enclosed reply envelope which should be with Danske Bank at the latest on Monday 30 April 2001.
The Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday, 2 May 2001, at 3 pm at the Group head office at Klampenborgvej 203, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.
The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of DKK 3.50 per share corresponding to a pay-out ratio (dividend as a percentage of net profit) of 31%.
Yours sincerely,
The Board of Directors of
Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Wednesday, 2 May 2001, at 3 pm at the Group head office, Klampenborgvej 203, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
1. Directors' report about the Group's activities during the closed financial year.
2. Presentation of financial statements, consolidated financial statements and Auditors'
report for approval as well as decision regarding discharge of obligations for Executive Board and Board of Directors.
3. Decision regarding allocation of profit or coverage of loss according to the adopted
4. Appointment of members of the Board.
Director Mogens Petersen and Attorney-at-law Peter-Ulrik Plesner are up for election. The Board of Directors proposes re-election.
5. Appointment of deputy director.
6. Appointment of auditors.
7. Proposals from the Board of Directors regarding authorisation for acquisition of own
The Board of Directors is authorised, in the period up to 2 November 2002, within the scope of totally 10% of the Group's share capital to let the Group acquire own shares at the market price valid at the acquisition time with a deviation of up to 10%.
8. Possible proposals from the Board of Directors or shareholders.
Eight days before the Annual General Meeting agenda, financial statements, consolidated financial statements and Auditors' report will be available at the Group head office for inspection by the shareholders, and this material will also be sent to shareholders registered by the company.
Admittance card for the Annual General Meeting may be requested at the Group head office or from Danske Bank on phone 33 44 51 40 all weekdays (except Saturday) from 9.00 am until 4.00 pm on proof of identity as shareholder in the way stipulated in § 12, art. 2, of the statutes. Application should be made at least 5 days before the Annual General Meeting. For shares acquired through assignment the voting right is, however, on the condition that the shares have been noted in the share register before issue of this notice, cf. § 12, art. 3 of the statutes.
The Board of Directors of
Brødrene Hartmann A/S