Michael Robertson, CEO of Lindows.com, to Offer a PC Operating System to Run Both Linux and Windows Software

LindowsOS Preview Release in 4th Quarter to Give Consumers New Choice

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 23, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Lindows.com, a company committed to bringing choice to computers, is gearing up to deliver LindowsOS Preview Release, a modern and affordable operating system for Pentium based computers. Because of its unique ability to run Linux(r) software titles as well as many popular Windows(r) software titles, computer owners and organizations of all sizes will soon have an option for their new computers. LindowOS is also ideal for computer users seeking to upgrade to a stable, full featured, operating system.

For under $100, users can purchase a copy of LindowsOS to run their PC. The simplified interface makes installation a straightforward, four-step process suitable for the novice or the MIS manager supervising a number of computers. LindowsOS also allows users the convenience of running LindowOS on one or more systems, for personal use, without the hassle of serial code registrations. Users will receive the full version upon purchase without having to call-in their registration numbers.

Once installed, LindowsOS offers a full-powered graphical desktop experience familiar to any computer user, but with advanced underlying architecture to insure greater reliability.

PCs running LindowsOS have the unique ability to run Linux(r) and Windows(r) software. No additional software is required for owners of LindowsOS to run popular Windows(r) or Linux(r) programs.

To install Windows(r) software, users insert CDs or download the software and run the accompanying installer program with no modifications required. Once installed, a simple click on a desktop icon or selection from a menu launches the program in the customary fashion. All menus, dialog boxes and features operate in an expected manner and at a comparable speed. For the first time, those contemplating an operating system change will be able to keep their investment in their existing software, thereby overcoming the largest impediment to deploying a new operating system. Because LindowsOS is built around a Linux(r) core, it runs Linux(r) software natively, giving consumers the best of both worlds.

"Our goal at Lindows.com is to give the consumer a choice when it comes to their computer," said Robertson. "For too long there's been little competition in the operating system arena and consumers have paid the price with buggy and expensive software. LindowsOS, with its ability to run many popular Windows(r) software programs and Linux(r) programs, gives computer owners a migration path to a new operating system which promises to be full featured and consumer friendly."

LindowsOS is designed to operate seamlessly in a diverse computing environment. By interoperating with existing printers, file servers, mail servers and other Internet resources, LindowsOS machines will fill the need for cost effective and stable computers, even in established organizations.

Lindows.com is distributing a Preview Release of our upcoming LindowsOS to alert computer users that a new choice is on the horizon and to accelerate valuable feedback from the computing community to help us build a better product.

"LindowsOS is a huge effort and consumer input will play a critical role in our direction and success," said Robertson. "Our hope is that interested parties will evaluate our Preview Release, send me and the rest of the company their specific feedback, and consider our upcoming releases in their own technology plans. With the Preview Release, the user will have access to users feedback forums, databases and other customer feedback vehicles."

LindowsOS Preview Release will be available for purchase or digital download from the Lindows.com web site. It will run on computer systems with a Pentium Processor or AMD Processor, 64 MB RAM and 1GB of disk space. Inquiries concerning OEM or site licenses should be sent to licenses@lindows.com. Michael Robertson can be reached at MichaelR@Lindows.com.

To respond to this press release or send feedback to Lindows.com, contact feedback@lindows.com. To receive Lindows.com press releases via email, or to unsubscribe from this service, contact pr@lindows.com.

About Lindows.com, Inc.

Lindows.com is a consumer company that brings choice to computer users. Lindows.com, Inc. uses the latest technology to create affordable, intuitive, user-friendly products. Lindows.com, Inc. was started by Michael Robertson, founder and former CEO of MP3.com. At the core of Lindows.com is a new operating system called LindowsOS(tm), a modern, affordable, easy-to-use operating system with the ability to run both Windows(r) and Linux(r) software.

About Michael Robertson

On the frontlines of music aggregation and distribution, Robertson founded MP3.com, Inc., the Internet's Premier Music Service Provider (MSP) in March 1998. MP3.com revolutionized both the way new artists distribute their music as well as the way music lovers acquire and enjoy music. Robertson and the rest of the MP3.com team built a unique and robust technology infrastructure that facilitated the storage, management, promotion and delivery of digital music. MP3.com hosts the largest collection of digital music available on the Internet with more than 1 million songs and audio files posted from over a hundred thousand digital artists and record labels with millions of music fans. Robertson stepped down as CEO of MP3.com to start Lindows.com. Robertson continues to serve in an advisory capacity to Vivendi Universal. MP3.com, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vivendi Universal, S. A.

LindowsOS is a trademark of Lindows.com, Inc.

Linux(r) is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Microsoft(r) Windows(r) operating system is a registered trademark or service mark of the Microsoft Corporation.

