Finnveden AB Year-End Report, January 1 - December 31, 2001 (with link)

VARNAMO, Sweden, Jan. 31, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Year-end Report, January 1 - December 31, 2001:

 Fourth quarter

 --  Result after net financial items, including items affecting
     comparability of SEK 145 M charged against earnings, amounted
     to a loss of SEK 172 M

 --  Earnings per share: loss SEK 9.60 (income: 1.42) including items
     affecting comparability

 Full year

 --  Result after net financial items, including items affecting 
     comparability of SEK 145 M charged against earnings, amounted to
     a loss of SEK 240 M (income: 166)

 --  Earnings per share: loss SEK 13.86 (income: 9.70) including items
     affecting comparability

 --  Structural measures and cost reductions with substantial 
     earnings- improvement effect under way

 --  New large delivery agreements

 --  New issue that contributed SEK 360 M completed

 --  Equity/assets ratio 31.3%

 --  No dividend is proposed

 Group in summary
                                      Full-                       Q 4
                                       2001(*) 2000(**)  2001(*) 2000
 Order bookings, SEK M                 4 374   3 219     1 226     889
 Net sales, SEK M                      4 433   3 093     1 191     854
 Operating income before depreciation
 (EBITDA), SEK M                         138     380       -79      72
 Operating margin (EBIT), SEK M         -133     212      -147      28
 Income after net financial items,      -240     166      -172      12
 - excluding items affecting             -95     126       -27      13
 comparability, SEK
 Earnings per share, rolling 12       -13.86    9.70    -13.86    9.70
 months, SEK (***)
 - excluding items affecting           -5.55    7.24     -5.55    7.24
 comparability, SEK (***)

   (*) Items affecting comparability included in 2001 in a negative 
       amount of about SEK -145 M 
  (**) Items affecting comparability 
       included in 2000 in a positive amount of about SEK 40 M. 
 (***) Earnings per share adjusted in accordance with RR18, that is,
       taking into account the new issue.

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The full text report, with all financial tables, is available at the following URLs: The Full Year-End Report The Full Year-End Report

