Unit 4 Agresso N.V.: Strategic Cooperation Between SDB and Unit 4 Healthcare

LEIDSCHENDAM/HENGELO, The Netherlands, Feb. 6, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Unit 4 Healthcare based in Hengelo and SDB Ltd. In Leidschendam, entered into a strategic cooperation. J.S.P. Poll, managing director of Unit 4 Healthcare and W.B. Gongs, managing director of SDB signed the agreement. Since many years SDB is market leader in the field of salary administration and automation of institutions in the care sector. Because of this cooperation, SDB has the possibility to offer its approximately 800 clients the Cura for Windows product line, a reliable successor for SDB's current system.

The core reason for the cooperation, that is based on Unit 4 Healthcare's successful Cura for Windows product line, is to join the specialist knowledge and vast experience of both parties into one optimal product line for the care sector.

For Unit 4 Healthcare, this cooperation with SDB means a considerable step forward in its aim for increase of scale in the care sector. For SDB the cooperation means the opportunity to offer its clients the Cura for Windows products, solid successors for SDB's current systems.

Unit 4 Healthcare's market share in the care sector for the handicapped amounts to 40%. The combination Unit 4 and SDB resulting from the strategic cooperation will provide products and services to approximately 35% of the institutions in the nursing home market segment.

SDB is a consulting agency to the housing and care sector. It employs 140 people and provides management support and service to nursing homes, warden-assisted flats, housing corporations and institutions for the handicapped in the Netherlands. It is the only consultant in the housing and care sector to offer integrated services to all the client's organizational levels (operational, tactical and strategic) in the following fields: personnel/salary, financial/administrative, juridical and construction.

Since many years, SDB is market leader in the field of salary administration and automation of institutions in the care sector. Its software is set up to support the processes in care institutions as optimally as possible. The cooperation between SDB and Unit 4 Healthcare guarantees the continuity in the development and maintenance of information systems in the care sector.

Unit 4 Healthcare, an autonomous business unit of Unit 4 Agresso NV, has been active in the care sector for many years. The Cura information system makes Unit 4 Healthcare very well equipped for and successful in this sector.

Cura is the umbrella name for a number of integrated applications that are essential in the data flow of the institutions that operate in this segment. The Cura concept provides in the need for information concerning human resources management, financial administration, registration of clients and support of the primary processes.

