Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in Securitas AB (with link)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 15, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- The shareholders in Securitas AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday April 16, 2002, in "Vintertradgarden" at the Grand Hotel, entry via "Royal entre," Stallgatan 6. Registration for the General Meeting begins at 4:15 p.m.


Shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting must:

(i) be recorded in the print-out of the share register maintained by the Swedish Securities Register Centre ("VPC"), made as of Saturday April 6, 2002. Due to the intervening weekend, such recording must be made on Friday April 5, 2002 at the latest; and

(ii) notify Securitas of their intent to participate in the Meeting at the address: Securitas AB, "General Meeting," P.O. Box 12307, SE-102 28 Stockholm, Sweden, or by telephone +46-8 657 74 74 or by telefax +46-8 657 74 85, by 4 p.m., Wednesday April 10, 2002 at the latest. On giving notice of attendance, the shareholder shall state name, personal registration number or equivalent, (corporate identity number), address and telephone number. Proxy and representative of a juridical person shall submit papers of authorization prior to the Meeting. As confirmation of notification, Securitas AB will send an entry card, which should be presented at registration for the General Meeting.

In order to participate in the proceedings of the Annual General Meeting, owners with nominee-registered shares should request their bank or broker to have their shares temporarily owner-registered with VPC. Due to the intervening weekend, such registration must be made on Friday April 5, 2002 at the latest, and the banker or broker should therefore be notified in due time before the said date.


 Proposal for Agenda

 1. Opening of the Meeting.
 2. Election of Chairman of the Meeting. 
 3. Drawing up and approval of the voting list.
 4. Approval of the agenda.  
 5. Election of one or two person(s) to check the minutes. 
 6. Determination of compliance with the rules of convocation.
 7. The Managing Director's report.  
 8. Presentation of the Annual Report and the Auditor's Report and the
    Consolidated Financial Statements and the Group Auditor's Report.
 9. Resolutions regarding
      (a) adoption of the Statement of Income and the Balance Sheet
          and the Consolidated Statement of Income and the 
          Consolidated Balance Sheet as per December 31, 2001;
      (b) appropriation of the company's profit according to the 
          adopted Balance Sheet;
      (c) record date for dividend; 
      (d) discharge of the Board of Directors and the Managing 
          Director from liability for the financial year.
 10. Establishment of the number of members and deputy members of the
     Board of Directors.
 11. Establishment of fees for the Directors.   
 12. Election of members of the Board of Directors.
 13. Resolution regarding a directed issue of convertible debt 
     instruments and approval of an employee incentive program.
 14. Closing of the Meeting. 

Existing proposals for items at the Meeting

Dividend (paragraph 9 (b) and (c) on the agenda)

The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of SEK 1.50 per share be declared.

As record date for the dividend, the Board of Directors has proposed April 19, 2002. If the Annual General Meting so resolves, the dividend is expected to be distributed by VPC on April 24, 2002.

Proposal for election of Board of Directors and Fees (paragraph 10-12 on the agenda)

Shareholders jointly representing approximately 16 per cent of the shares and 41 per cent of the votes in the Company have made the following proposal:

Board of Directors, Fees and Auditors

The number of board members shall be as current, eight.

Re-election of the board members: Thomas Berglund, Carl Douglas, Gustaf Douglas, Anders Frick, Philippe Foriel-Destezet, Berthold Lindqvist, Fredrik Palmstierna and Melker Schorling.

Fees to the board members shall amount to SEK 1,850,000 in total, to be distributed among the Directors according to the decision by the Board of Directors.

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2000 PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, Stockholm, with authorized public accountant, Mr Goran Tidstrom as representative of the accounting firm, was appointed for a period of four years. It was decided by the General Meeting that the auditors' fees should be paid on current account.

Proposal for resolution regarding Incentive Program (paragraph 13 on the agenda)

The Board of Directors has decided to propose to the General Meeting to resolve to issue convertible bonds as set forth in Section 1 below and to approve of the measures for the realization of a global incentive program for employees of the Securitas Group as set forth in Section 2.

 1. Issue of Convertible Bonds

 The Board of Directors of Securitas AB proposes the General Meeting
 to resolve:

 that  the company shall issue convertible bonds in four (4) series,
       each with a maximum nominal value of EUR one hundred and eleven
       million one hundred and ten thousand (111,110,000), in series 
       2002/2007:1, 2002/2007:2, 2002/2007:3 and 2002/2007:4;

 that  the subscription price for each convertible bond shall be equal
       to its nominal value;

 that  with disregard to the present shareholders' priority rights,
       Securitas Employee Convertible 2002 Holding S.A. ("InvestCo")
       and Securitas 2002, a Fond Commun de Placement d'Enterprise, 
       ("FCPE") shall be granted the right to subscribe for all four
       (4) series of convertible bonds;

 that  subscription can be made for all series of convertible bonds
       only, or for equal parts thereof, as one unit;

 that  subscription and payment of the convertible bonds shall be made
       on 30 June 2002 at the latest; 

 that  on over subscription, FCPE shall not be entitled to an 
       allotment exceeding EUR twenty-two million two hundred and
       fifty thousand (22,250,000);

 that  the convertible bonds shall pay an annual interest rate of 90%
       of "3 months' EURIBOR plus 0.49%";

 that  the interest shall become due for payment as specified in 
       "Securitas AB Terms and Conditions for Convertible Debentures
       Series 2002/2007:1-4";

 that  the convertible bonds shall become due for redemption on the
       date occurring five years after the date of subscription and 
       payment for the bonds, to the extent that conversion has not
       occurred before then;

 that  the convertible bonds shall be able to be converted into shares
       of series B in Securitas AB 90 days prior to the date when the 
       convertible bonds are due for redemption at the earliest and 14
       days before the date when the convertible bonds are due for 
       redemption at the latest;
 that  the rate at which conversion can be made shall correspond to an
       amount totalling the following percentage of the average of the
       latest quoted transaction price on the Stockholm Stock Exchange
       for shares of series B in Securitas AB during the period from 
       April 24 to April 30 inclusive (the "Measure Period"), however,
       subject to the maximum share capital increase stated below:

       --  100 percent for convertible bonds of series 2002/2007:1;
       --  120 percent for convertible bonds of series 2002/2007:2;
       --  140 percent for convertible bonds of series 2002/2007:3;
       --  160 percent for convertible bonds of series 2002/2007:4;

       in the absence of a price quotation for any of the days in
       question, the purchase price quoted as the final rate shall be
       applied. A day when there is neither a buying rate nor a 
       purchase rate available shall not be included in the 
       calculation. The calculated conversion rate shall be rounded to
       the nearest whole number of Swedish oren, whereby a half ore 
       shall be rounded downwards, and thereafter be recalculated into
       euro applying the exchange fixing rate SEK/EUR quoted by the 
       Swedish commercial banks on 30 April 2002, without the 
       conversion rate being less than the par value of a share in the

 That  the nominal share capital on conversion can as a maximum be
       increased by an amount corresponding to SEK 22,326,000, and
       should such amount be exceeded at the application of the 
       above-mentioned basis of calculation and the share and exchange
       prices applicable at the time of subscription and payment for
       the convertible bonds, the measure rate shall be increased in a
       way that the share capital increase on conversion will not 
       exceed the amount indicated; 

 that  shares obtained due to conversion shall be entitled to profit
       distribution for the first time on the record day for 
       distribution occurring after the execution of the conversion;

 that  in all other respects, the terms and conditions set out in 
       "Securitas AB terms and Conditions for Convertible Debentures
        Series 2002/2007:1-4," shall apply to the convertible bonds.

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