Channel 5 in Italy Invests in Second Digital Vision DVNR Image Processing Workstation

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 19, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Italian TV station Channel 5 has decided to buy a second DVNR Image Processing Workstation from the Swedish company Digital Vision AB. The order is for a fully equipped standard definition tape-to-tape workstation. The deal was concluded through Digital Vision's Italian distributor Cintel Srl.

The system will be used to restore their old 1-inch tape archive and re- master the films in new digital format. With Digital Vision's DVNR workstation Channel 5 is able to recover old films already transferred to tape many years ago, without the need of a new telecine transfer of the original film.

"We were very pleased with the results we reached with the first system we bought 18 months ago," said Antonio Castoldi, Director of Technology at Channel 5. "The easy removal of grain & noise and scratches were impressive and we decided to buy a second workstation to speed up the restoration work," he continued.

The DVNR image processing workstation is suitable for any type of post- production environment: telecine or tape/disk based. The same flexibility applies when it comes to the choice of controller. DVNR is supported by all major controllers; ranging from Digital Vision's own Valhall control system to a laptop. DVNR Image Processing Workstations are available in various formats including HD and SD (4:2:2 and 4:4:4). And they support the highest standards in image enhancement.

Digital Vision's business concept is to offer state-of-the-arttechnology and products to clients in film/video, multimedia and thedistribution of digital television within three business areas:

 --  Media Mastering, e.g. the digital mastering of feature films, TV-
     shows and commercials and the adaptation of these to DVD

 --  Media Networking, the adaptation of images and sound to digital
     transmission networks

 --  Digital Cinema, the digitalisation of traditional film for cinemas
     Digital Vision was founded in 1988 and today the company is
     comprised of the Swedish parent company and a sales company in the
     U.S. The company is dedicated to the development, the production
     and the sales and support of systems. Production is primarily
     managed through outsourcing.

Digital Vision is listed on the Stockholm stock-exchange.

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